08-20-2009, 07:01 PM
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08-20-2009, 07:10 PM
Rising looks like a kickass game and I can't wait for a preview
08-20-2009, 07:22 PM
(08-20-2009, 07:10 PM)oB2Ko Mario Wrote: [ -> ]Rising looks like a kickass game and I can't wait for a preview
Peace walker looks pretty sick too, I'd get it but sadly I don't have a PSP any more. I'll be missing out =(
08-20-2009, 09:19 PM
Oh god that bridge part
08-20-2009, 10:05 PM
did somebody say metal gear
this game will inevitably fucking own, can't wait to borrow a psp
this game will inevitably fucking own, can't wait to borrow a psp
08-21-2009, 07:44 AM
getting both games
08-24-2009, 09:47 AM
Did anybody else go like "HOLY SHIT" when the two Snakes both grabbed an enemy and then threw the enemies into each other?
08-24-2009, 08:22 PM
Not counting you FGT.
08-24-2009, 10:39 PM
![[Image: peacewalker081709.jpg]](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9620/peacewalker081709.jpg)
08-25-2009, 10:50 PM
Pfft. I've got 12 of those in my basement.
This is obviously going to be badass, what whats with the multiple Snakes in Peacewalker?
This is obviously going to be badass, what whats with the multiple Snakes in Peacewalker?
08-25-2009, 11:40 PM
Teamwork element. As to why they're ALL Snakes, I'm sure that'll be explained later.
08-26-2009, 02:14 AM
Had there been milk in my mouth it likely would have ended up out my nose when they first crawled into the same box.
08-26-2009, 03:05 AM
![[Image: DCP_0029-vi.jpg]](http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y206/ultimeciaffb/Foto/DCP_0029-vi.jpg)
My dog knew how to use a box when she was a puppy.
I'll sure get Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, but I'm not sure if I'm going to get the other one.
09-26-2009, 10:30 AM
The five or so of you that actually own a PSP can download the Japanese demo of Peace Walker in this article here: http://psp.ign.com/articles/102/1027904p1.html
Demo includes:
Three missions, a tutorial, a four-screen sneaking mission for two players, and a four-man boss fight against a tank (really hard by yourself)
A wallpaper for A or S ranking a mission
Four Snakes to choose from
Shit about the demo:
The controls are kinda confusing at first, the default controls are set up so the face buttons move the camera and the D-Pad controls your actions. D-Up is enviromental actions, D-Left opens the Item Menu, D-Right opens the Weapon Menu, and D-Down toggles Big Boss's stance.
There's no crawling, the lowest you can go is an immobile play-dead stance that actually does a pretty good job of hiding you
The four Snakes (Battle Suit, Jungle Dress, Naked, and Sneaking Suit) have different camo indexes and different weapon loadouts.
CQC has been simplified, R-trigger (or Square Button if you play with the other controls) grabs a dude, then you press a directional button to do a badass shoulder throw KO
You can see the amount of damage you cause when you shoot or CQC a guard, a headshot will give you some ridiculous number in the 20,000s
Demo weapons:
Stun Rod (all Snakes) - Melee taser that knocks out unsuspecting guards
Mk. 22 (Jungle Dress, Sneaking Suit) - The tranquilizer pistol from MGS3 and PO, not different at all
M1911 (Battle Suit, Naked) - Unsuppressed handgun from the other two Big Boss games, it fires pretty slow but does decent damage
M16A1 (Jungle Dress) - Automatic rifle with high damage, pretty accurate, the gun owns.
VZ 61 Skorpion (Sneaking) - Sub-machine gun with a high rate of fire and low damage, nice if you get caught, but you're wearing a Sneaking Suit so you shouldn't be getting caught
SVD (Jungle Dress) - Sniper rifle, you can run around with it like in MGS4, aiming it puts you in First Person mode though
M60 (Battle Suit, Naked) - High capacity machine gun with high damage, high recoil, and a low rate of fire
RPG-7 (Battle Suit, Naked) - The RPG from MGS3, like the SVD, it has to be fired from FPM
Grenade (Jungle Dress, Battle Suit, Naked) - you know what it is
Stun Grenade (Sneaking Suit) - Flashbang that stuns enemies
Rations - Healing item, recovers your entire life bar pretty much, automatically used when your Life drops to zero
LOVE PACK Box - A big pink box, you can drop it from the item selection menu and use it as an extra platform, there's also a bunch of co-op shit you can do with it
Fulton System Surface to Air Recovery Balloon- holy shit, this item. This item can be deployed on a downed guard to lift their body into the air and out of sight. It was also used by Naked Snake to extract from the Virtuous Mission in MGS3.
Soliton Radar (Sneaking Suit) - The radar from MGS1/2, except it runs on battery power that drains pretty quick
Combat Shield (Sneaking Suit) - A riot shield that can be used in conjunction with a pistol or the Skorpion. it owns.
Surroundings Indicator (Jungle Dress) - This reminds me of the threat ring from MGS4 a little bit, it's a radar that detects sounds (including your own) and nearby guards

The five or so of you that actually own a PSP can download the Japanese demo of Peace Walker in this article here: http://psp.ign.com/articles/102/1027904p1.html
Demo includes:
Three missions, a tutorial, a four-screen sneaking mission for two players, and a four-man boss fight against a tank (really hard by yourself)
A wallpaper for A or S ranking a mission
Four Snakes to choose from
Shit about the demo:
The controls are kinda confusing at first, the default controls are set up so the face buttons move the camera and the D-Pad controls your actions. D-Up is enviromental actions, D-Left opens the Item Menu, D-Right opens the Weapon Menu, and D-Down toggles Big Boss's stance.
There's no crawling, the lowest you can go is an immobile play-dead stance that actually does a pretty good job of hiding you
The four Snakes (Battle Suit, Jungle Dress, Naked, and Sneaking Suit) have different camo indexes and different weapon loadouts.
CQC has been simplified, R-trigger (or Square Button if you play with the other controls) grabs a dude, then you press a directional button to do a badass shoulder throw KO
You can see the amount of damage you cause when you shoot or CQC a guard, a headshot will give you some ridiculous number in the 20,000s
Demo weapons:
Stun Rod (all Snakes) - Melee taser that knocks out unsuspecting guards
Mk. 22 (Jungle Dress, Sneaking Suit) - The tranquilizer pistol from MGS3 and PO, not different at all
M1911 (Battle Suit, Naked) - Unsuppressed handgun from the other two Big Boss games, it fires pretty slow but does decent damage
M16A1 (Jungle Dress) - Automatic rifle with high damage, pretty accurate, the gun owns.
VZ 61 Skorpion (Sneaking) - Sub-machine gun with a high rate of fire and low damage, nice if you get caught, but you're wearing a Sneaking Suit so you shouldn't be getting caught
SVD (Jungle Dress) - Sniper rifle, you can run around with it like in MGS4, aiming it puts you in First Person mode though
M60 (Battle Suit, Naked) - High capacity machine gun with high damage, high recoil, and a low rate of fire
RPG-7 (Battle Suit, Naked) - The RPG from MGS3, like the SVD, it has to be fired from FPM
Grenade (Jungle Dress, Battle Suit, Naked) - you know what it is
Stun Grenade (Sneaking Suit) - Flashbang that stuns enemies
Rations - Healing item, recovers your entire life bar pretty much, automatically used when your Life drops to zero
LOVE PACK Box - A big pink box, you can drop it from the item selection menu and use it as an extra platform, there's also a bunch of co-op shit you can do with it
Fulton System Surface to Air Recovery Balloon- holy shit, this item. This item can be deployed on a downed guard to lift their body into the air and out of sight. It was also used by Naked Snake to extract from the Virtuous Mission in MGS3.
Soliton Radar (Sneaking Suit) - The radar from MGS1/2, except it runs on battery power that drains pretty quick
Combat Shield (Sneaking Suit) - A riot shield that can be used in conjunction with a pistol or the Skorpion. it owns.
Surroundings Indicator (Jungle Dress) - This reminds me of the threat ring from MGS4 a little bit, it's a radar that detects sounds (including your own) and nearby guards
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