Ludwig Von Koopa -
He shoots fireballs from his wand (either four small ones or one large homing one) and flutter jumps around. If someone touches him or is jumped on, they take damage and are knocked back a bit. Jumping on his head makes him go into his shell and spin around, damaging and knocking back anyone who touches him.
Idk, I mean, with all the Koopalings it seems a bit odd to only use a single on of them. If anything, maybe have the game pic one of the 7 koopalings to do what you said, that way all are in, it jsut picks one at random.
Yeah, we can't just use one of them. It's either all or none, and a "Knights of the Round" assist trophy strikes me as too much.
Yeah I see what you're saying I guess. While it would be cool, it would be unfair to ask people to sprite that much for just one assist trophy. Doing it with cheap edits wouldn't really work either since we're going for professionalism on the project and using the same animations for all of them wouldn't cut it. I'll remove it.
(01-07-2010, 12:06 AM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I see what you're saying I guess. While it would be cool, it would be unfair to ask people to sprite that much for just one assist trophy. Doing it with cheap edits wouldn't really work either since we're going for professionalism on the project and using the same animations for all of them wouldn't cut it. I'll remove it.
Well now, I wouldn't rule it out. Heck, sometimes I feel like spriting a whole bunch of characters. Keep them up for now on the off chance that that someone might want to take a crack at it.
Also, any chance my idea about Linebeck and Jolene could get added?
(01-07-2010, 12:24 AM)Chaoxys Wrote: [ -> ]Well now, I wouldn't rule it out. Heck, sometimes I feel like spriting a whole bunch of characters. Keep them up for now on the off chance that that someone might want to take a crack at it.
Also, any chance my idea about Linebeck and Jolene could get added?
Well if you want to try it I can't stop you. Good luck if you do decide to do it.
Probably although I have no clue who they are and they'd need descriptions. I know I sound stupid repeatedly saying that, but otherwise all they'll be able to do is stand there while you pretend they're doing something cool.
Ok, I'll try and think up some different stuff for the others to do, but they probly wont all have unique abilities.
Well, my idea for Linebeck (from LoZ: PH/ST) is to have him show up on stage, only to be chased around by Jolene, the female pirate he stole from. He will run around trying to avoid her swinging sword ( he's do a ducking run when she's right where he is I guess) and anyone hit by her sword takes damage. Anyone who Linebeck bumps into may trip.
(01-07-2010, 01:22 AM)SupahGoombah Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, I'll try and think up some different stuff for the others to do, but they probly wont all have unique abilities.
Larry Koopa-
Breathes out fire/gets out a bob-omb and hits it with his tennis racket.
Morton and Roy- (these are separate assist trophies, but do the same thing)
They jump around, making shockwaves when they land. The shockwaves are similair to the ones from Kirby's
Final Cutter but have more knockback.
Shoots magical rings that rebound off objects. The effect these have if they hit a player is similair to Ness's Up Special.
Iggy- A Chain Chomp pulls his carriage around. If a player touches the chomp, they will take damage and be knocked back.
Lemmy- He rolls around on his ball, and shoots smaller balls out of his wand. The balls have a similair effect to a spring.
Also, all the Koopalings shoot fireballs (except Larry and Wendy) and if their head is jumped on they will go into their shell and spin around, damaging anyone they touch
am i the only one here that thinks we are using too many mario ATs?
those suggestions are great, but we have got a few mario ATs already
(01-07-2010, 05:21 AM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: [ -> ]am i the only one here that thinks we are using too many mario ATs?
those suggestions are great, but we have got a few mario ATs already
The thing is, none of these have been decided on, at least from what I can tell, so it doesn't matter how many suggestions we get from a certain series since in the end we could widdle it down to a few.
How many did Mario get in Brawl? 3? Waluigi, Lakitu, and Hammer Bros, right?
(01-06-2010, 08:41 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ] (01-06-2010, 08:28 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ] (01-06-2010, 12:43 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ] (01-05-2010, 03:52 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]I personally like the Idea of metal sonic randomly firing rockets around the stage.
He flies down, and faces all sorts of directions firing things. Almost like he seems to flail back with force in the air every time he shoots a rocket. The rockets should also start out slow and wobbly, and slowly gain speed and aim towards the target. It would also be cool if the rockets randomly picked someone besides the person that opened the assist trophy, and sorta locked on them, like the bullet bill in mario galaxy, just not as much lockage(?)
My main problem with the last idea was that he was firing rockets. I don't know if he does that in Sonic Rivals or something, but I've NEVER seen him firing rockets or anything really before so for me it just seems kinda out of place for him to be doing. That is unless you're not talking about this Metal Sonic:
![[Image: MetalSonic.png]](
I guess, but It would be cool, considering he seems like the type that would.
Also what about that chu chu rocket thing?
Most people including me don't really want to make characters do actions they are never likely to do in their own game. It would be like giving Mario an assault rifle for a few of his attacks. It just doesn't really make sense.
Chu Chu Rocket seems like a cool series to have in in some way.
Maybe have the cat chasing a few mice across the stage and hurting people as he ran into them until the mice find a rocket and leave. If we did that then it would be neat if players could throw the mice around to redirect the cat towards another player. I dunno I'm just throwing out a random idea.
I liek this