I find the black outline a bit distracting. Either AA to smoothen it out a little or lose it.
Probobly not in style and horrable but I tried Pacman:
![[Image: Pacman33124.PNG]](http://www.iaza.com/work/100226C/Pacman33124.PNG)
![[Image: mall.png]](http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk162/pieguy1611630/mall.png)
i dont know if anyone saw this its a mallow i made
(02-25-2010, 06:39 PM)Pikmin Awsomeness Wrote: [ -> ]Probobly not in style and horrable but I tried Pacman:
![[Image: Pacman33124.PNG]](http://www.iaza.com/work/100226C/Pacman33124.PNG)
Its an interesting look for him. I take it that you purposely chose not to make him a perfect circle?
(02-25-2010, 06:52 PM)red reaper Wrote: [ -> ]
i dont know if anyone saw this its a mallow i made
Not bad, I think it looks nice actually.
(02-25-2010, 07:01 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2010, 06:39 PM)Pikmin Awsomeness Wrote: [ -> ]Probobly not in style and horrable but I tried Pacman:
![[Image: Pacman33124.PNG]](http://www.iaza.com/work/100226C/Pacman33124.PNG)
Its an interesting look for him. I take it that you purposely chose not to make him a perfect circle?
(02-25-2010, 06:52 PM)red reaper Wrote: [ -> ]
i dont know if anyone saw this its a mallow i made
Not bad, I think it looks nice actually.
I tried to make him a round, but not perfect circle, becuse a perfect circle didn't really fit with everything else. So I gave him a inbetween version look between classic pacman and pacman world pacman.
Okay, I think that before anyone else makes anything new, we need to vote on which ATs we are going to use. I think this topic should be locked for now, a voting topic should be made, and after we decide, we reopen this one.
Or whatever works.
(02-24-2010, 07:23 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't say I've ever encountered that particular form of Dark Matter in any of the Kirby games I've played either, but it looks to me like it came out well
It's based from Dark Matter from Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3 (before you fight the true final boss of those games).
(02-25-2010, 05:38 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2010, 05:30 AM)JoseFran Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: andross.png]](http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3524/andross.png)
Changes? (I think that maybe the colours are a bit wrong)
Perfected. Just needs some AA.
But then again, Andross is supposed to look all blocky. 
I forgot the meaning of AA, can somebody tell me what is AA, please?
Wait, if you hit them,will they get knockback? or just stay in the same place? Becuse if magikarp gets thrown off the stage, hill turn into gayrados at the bottom of the stage and will emediently die. I'm just wondering
(02-26-2010, 07:35 AM)mutantyoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go josefran
Thank you very much, but I think that I cannot do it, because I don't know what colours I must use to do AA... >_<
I've tried but the result is so bad. Sorry
You could just darken the outside surfaces and then the black lines become less distracting
Thats better, but the outline is still too distracting. Maybe use a different tone?
Eh, if it's on the outside, remember that the sprites will be on a darker background anyways.
Well, here are two versions with lighter outlines.
![[Image: tsrssbandross2.png]](http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/4768/tsrssbandross2.png)