(09-24-2009, 07:43 AM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ] (09-24-2009, 06:35 AM)Champion Shawn Wrote: [ -> ]MEGA BUSTERRRRRRRRR
if the rumors were true. we'll have trigger, roll, zero and now this lil x cameo in tvc 
Why Roll, why not Rock? :C
ehh whatever, Viewtiful Joe makes up for it...
well for starters, roll is already in it. :V
and mega is a wimp! trigger got his wacky GIGA DRILLS and zero is A BEAST
frank west looks fun to play as
and tekkaman blade looks ace
is it bad that Ive never heard of tekkaman blade before because I want to watch the show he's from now
no but i heard the show was good
(09-24-2009, 07:24 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]is it bad that Ive never heard of tekkaman blade before because I want to watch the show he's from now
i watched casshern cuz of tvc, lol.
i wanna watch yatterman too. tekkaman looks pretty badass as well.
The song in the trailer video is catchy, haha. Also, Frank West is AWESOME, I was talking to my friends about how it would be cool for him to be a character even though I couldn't think of how he'd work, but I guess now I can actually find out, haha. His moves look pretty cool. His voice doesn't really sound like his original one, is it really the same voice actor? And is it just me, or does he really say "DEEEEAAADDD RISING!!!" during one of his attacks....?
Edit: By the way, I'm disappointed that Amaterasu hasn't been announced as a character. Hopefully that will change?

yeah its the same voice actor, just trying to sound more cartoony, and lol that one special he throws the character up in the air, hits them with a bat and says DEAAAD RISING! then the char flies around the earth and lands back down(which is why the person lands behind him).
Zero looks fucking PRO in this game.
there better be a mmz costume
birthday present right here, i tell ya what.