100% Custom Balloon Fighter made by scratch by me, Yak!
Hmmm if I get good comments on it I might submit it

Balloon Fighter has Two Balloons and The lighting has been fixed
Finally, I hope this is up to date now, maybe later I might make a custom balloon fighter tileset, please comment whether I make a custom tilset or not.
u made that all by urself? thats p. good. i like it
his balloons. theyre too small tho
e: and there should only be 2 balloons
lick my nick Wrote:u made that all by urself? thats p. good. i like it
his balloons. theyre too small tho
e: and there should only be 2 balloons
Okay thanks, i'll fix em
my only complaint is that the lighting on the balloon switches sides...
Dr. Evil Wrote:my only complaint is that the lighting on the balloon switches sides...
I'll fix it later.
Haha, I dig your style! His giant nose is fantastic!
erm... to be honest, they doesn't look that great. They animate poorly and Ballon Fighter looks tired... and has a misshapen head (I really don't know if it's good or not; it may be the style...)
The shading is not good (his legs are kinda pillowed and the shading isn't making curves on a spherical object) and could use some better color usage (you could use the dark blue from his arms to shade his helmet)
gorsal Wrote:erm... to be honest, they doesn't look that great. They animate poorly and Ballon Fighter looks tired... and has a misshapen head (I really don't know if it's good or not; it may be the style...)
The shading is not good (his legs are kinda pillowed and the shading isn't making curves on a spherical object) and could use some better color usage (you could use the dark blue from his arms to shade his helmet)
He is ment to, glad you noticed it, he actually hate his job and I might edit him a bit later,
I really don't care for it.
Good, glad I'm not the only one.
His face looks awkward, his looks hunchbacked. To be honest, it look like you only edited one pose for the whole sheet. =/
Rags Wrote:Good, glad I'm not the only one.
His face looks awkward, his looks hunchbacked. To be honest, it look like you only edited one pose for the whole sheet. =/
Lol, I did