I'm ignoring the crappy as hell xbox 360 screenshots, all I can see is they commissioned some PixelJoint/Pixelation artist to sprite the game or something, cause you can tell that they've been doing this for awhile. :o
Very nice sprites.

They don't look that good.
but as much as I LOVE wwta, i avoid movie games, they're never fun.
Me too, except this one looks far as hell away from anything mainstream. It seems like we lucked out when they picked a producer fond of platformers and sprites. Like if Miyamoto picked me to do the next New Super Mario Bros, 16-bit sprited.

(09-01-2009, 03:57 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]they commissioned some PixelJoint/Pixelation artist to sprite the game or something, cause you can tell that they've been doing this for awhile. :o
Because if you have an account on pixeljoint, you are the proest of all pro spriters and you have over 200 years of experience and there's no way in heck they could have just gotten a good spriter to do the art for this game, nope nope it MUST have been someone from pixeljoint
seriously bro, come on
I'm just saying because thats the style of their school. Our school's alot different, we work more existing-game-related. :o
You do realise that Pixeljoint or not, the game will suck, and we'll probably forget to rip sprites from it later, right?
(09-01-2009, 03:57 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm ignoring the crappy as hell xbox 360 screenshots,
you are blind and retarded.
not joking, the sprites are pretty ugly
(09-01-2009, 03:57 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]Very nice sprites.