I'm not sure if this is a sprite or if it should go in the regular art forum. XD Mods please move this if it's in the wrong area!! Thank you.
His name is Icarus. =3
You were the dude with the bigass Sephiroth sig. I didn't know you were this good. who are you?
Thank you lol. Sorry about that siggy, it was A LOT bigger than I thought! But I am Gladiator Champion?? O_O Micheal Birkness is my real name? Does that help? XD
Holy crap.
Underneath that formerly Sephiroth sig is an awesome spriter. O:
I dig it, but I can't tell what that is next to the eye. It LOOKS like hair, but it also looks like it could be a misplaced headphone or something.
(09-02-2009, 04:26 AM)Tyvon Wrote: [ -> ]I dig it, but I can't tell what that is next to the eye. It LOOKS like hair, but it also looks like it could be a misplaced headphone or something.
I'm pretty sure it's hair, since there's a bit of hair going over the headband that is the same theme of colours.
I quite like it! Finish it!

(09-02-2009, 03:58 AM)Gladiator Champion Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you lol. Sorry about that siggy, it was A LOT bigger than I thought! But I am Gladiator Champion?? O_O Micheal Birkness is my real name? Does that help? XD
Oh don't worry, it's just that no one's allowed to be new and good at the same time. If you have any spriting proficiency, we're meant to have heard of you before or something.
Looks good, although the coloured bangs don't really work with the rest of the hair.
(09-02-2009, 04:46 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ] (09-02-2009, 03:58 AM)Gladiator Champion Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you lol. Sorry about that siggy, it was A LOT bigger than I thought! But I am Gladiator Champion?? O_O Micheal Birkness is my real name? Does that help? XD
Oh don't worry, it's just that no one's allowed to be new and good at the same time. If you have any spriting proficiency, we're meant to have heard of you before or something.
Looks good, although the coloured bangs don't really work with the rest of the hair.
I honestly don't think so either at this point, but I am determined to make his hair more flashy.

why am i reminded of nitty and chad's work so much with this
the way he draws his outlines is similar
I thought you were alkaline/ampersand.
the drawing is definitely similar to chads style
it also rocks
Can we please talk about the art and not whose it looks like?

And thank you Champion Shawn

Us Champions have to stick together XD
If I'm not mistaken, talking about what it looks like
is talking about the art, haha.

It's good, but I'll wait to put in an opinion once it's been cleaned up.
I have a feeling Gladiator Champion is Champion Shawn do to the fact that everytime I enter this topic Google Chrome says Malware detected and that this site is linked to shawnpwns.net. Hmmm....As for the Image it looks very nice although the little grey dot (I'm guessing it's a piercing) in the corner of his mouth looks a little weird. Like he's drooling or something like that.
That would be because of Chamipon Shawn's sig. Hurr.