(09-03-2009, 04:34 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]don't you guys love living in america?
i love america!
ah, america 
shut up pig i see they brainwashed you, dont get me confused with those swines, ugh just quoting your post might give me the swine flu
At LEAST America was kind enough to make us THINK we are happy, lol.
(Oh, and the "Swine Flu" is just a myth... )
yeah was america kind enough to make you think that too?
At least 40% of Americans are cruel, bloodthirsty, like to troll, and have no etiquette. Either that, or I have really high standards. But, meh, I guess I won't die here. I've survived most of my life here... But I miss the south. Even though I only lived there 3 months...
oh you're a redneck
suddenly your bad posting makes sense
Heck no. I'm Spanish. LOL, that makes even more sense. However, I only lived in south America in infancy. I'm almost on the border of Canada.
A pig of the highest etiquette.
I'm half French.
Can I be cool nao guise?
America's really not that bad...i live in America.
representin new bark town up in hurrr
stop being so mean to here