So, I guess I'll start ripping
sprites whatever the hell I want

. Most of them will just be backgrounds from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards. I might do more in the future.
What do you guys think?
Are these sprite rips?
I don't see any sprites.
Where are the sprites?
They're whatever the hell they're supposed to be. >_>
Background rips.
Not sprites.
Bittage to high.
Well, I don't know what to tell you. I ripped these straight from YGOTSC. Play the game yourself.
Just because you ripped them, does not mean that they are sprites.
The bit count (amount of colors) is far to high for them to be considred sprites.
Why the fuck does it matter
We have shit like this all over the site
Holy shit man
EDIT: Generally you don't need to post rips in the sprite discussion section, usually they just go into a submission topic, not to say it hasn't been done however.
Yeah. I'll rip a few more BGs (currently working on Clock Tower Square) then put this in Submissions.
Thank you. I've already posted this in submissions, so you can close this thread now.