also add me because fret might be away: rokkan_illidian
I don't think Rokkan or Metaru have ever met a black person
my voice doesn't work atm
i will buy a new mic soon then i will get on skype
I have skype! =D
But i only really use it for gaming stuff. If anyone wants to play the vidya with me, sure I'll talk to you.
This thread makes me sick.
You people and your fad sites.
You... don't know what Skype is, do you?
Oh your poor, poor shut in. I feel a little sorry for you.
yeah I don't have skype either
I feel very, very bad

skype doesn't work on my piece of shit computer. and i don't have a mic for my itouch. :/
just had a flashback to that time sadist and i were playing mercs 2 and ended up inviting like 6 more people and it ended with a bunch of people reading erotica in funny voices
edit: and i think justyn beat up his brother or something on the mic, i dont remember
I remember that. You guys posted it on PT.