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Full Version: all newbie's sprites
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but grooveman, he's not a troll

he's an ogre!
ogres don't spam!
I meant you.

But yeah, this thread has become pretty redundant - not even the OP really cares about his sprite any more it seems.

Dark Yoshi, if you need this sheet critiqued, you may make another thread, but everyone, keep the troll hunt spam to a minimum, ok?
So, what, you took the Dumb Drum sheet right off of tSR that Tonberry2k and I ripped, and you're taking full credit for it? You didn't even bother explaining why there's two of the last sprite on that sheet (one's how it is in the tiles, and the other's an edit to add in the part that never shows up in-game) like it was on our sheet. The spacing's even the exact same.

Ugh. It's people like you that make me feel depressed, knowing that someone else is trying to take credit for my (and Ton's) work. Good thing you're banned already, or else I would've banned you myself, and that's something I don't do often.

*puts another two pennies into Reimu's donations box*
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