As much as I hate them always rehashing that battle (well, maybe it's only the third time, I dunno), it looks pretty damn hot.

now this is certainly forcing us to remember the first sonic.
(02-23-2010, 11:13 PM)Negative-Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 02:24 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]nothing can be claimed at this point. its still a game in development.
if that was the case, we should claim that sonic team cant do shit in making games, but then, the sonic team we have today isnt the same sonic team we had back in the day.
cept the game is being developed by DIMPS.
That is rumor, and since Takashi Iizuka is in it, it's probably a Sonic Team game.
(02-24-2010, 04:28 AM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 11:13 PM)Negative-Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 02:24 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]nothing can be claimed at this point. its still a game in development.
if that was the case, we should claim that sonic team cant do shit in making games, but then, the sonic team we have today isnt the same sonic team we had back in the day.
cept the game is being developed by DIMPS.
That is rumor, and since Takashi Iizuka is in it, it's probably a Sonic Team game.
sonic team is such a vague name anyway. rather than a team, is more like a trademark. a friendly reminder of who made the blue rat in the first place.
PS: viper, sonic rush has cheap deaths, and i found myself dying more times than i would like to, but then, that was because i spent so much time dashing mindlessly instead of understanding each level's mechanics.
(02-24-2010, 04:35 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]PS: viper, sonic rush has cheap deaths, and i found myself dying more times than i would like to, but then, that was because i spent so much time dashing mindlessly instead of understanding each level's mechanics.
Yes, that's what I was saying.
There are a ton of cheap deaths in the game, and for me, most of them were on the casino level.
The more I see of the game graphics, the less I like them. Maybe it's just poor screen shots but something about them looks kind of sludgy? I don't know how to explain really, things are looking kinda dark in a couple :C
I'm still not going to pitch a fit until I actually *play* the thing, but it's def. looking a bit weird to me.
It's the's like they'eve added a unnesscary sunburst to everything making it look all plastic-ey.
thats so donkey kong country...
(02-25-2010, 10:15 AM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]It's the's like they'eve added a unnesscary sunburst to everything making it look all plastic-ey.
This. I dislike how the grass looks like a glassy/plasticky solid surface, rather than... y'know, grass.
I'm not sure how I feel about the rubbery look. If it was done on individual clumps of the grass then it'd help make it look kinda cartoonish which would be good, but having it on solid blocks makes them look pretty weird, I agree.
I think the main thing is that these games needs BRIGHTER COLOURS. Especially that boss fight screen; that sunset looks really really muddy. I dunno. If it's still in-development maybe these are graphics that are going to be fixed up some more.
If the game itself is still good I won't mind if the graphics are still looking weird, but given how well-done the colour's usually been done in older games - even more recent offerings, actually - it seems like a big backwards step here

the only bright thing are those sunflowers.
and sadly i cant make a pun out of that..