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im trying to find the original picture for my avatar. but guranteed. she hote
Solitaire's girl looks like a cartoon
Still can't beat Solitaire's.
i will +rep someone if they find the original version of my avatar
fuck this shit im going back to tits
where's the lunyka picture
Vipershark, you make your avatar of me I'll make it so you aren't even aloud to have an avatar.

i remember someone posted that lunyka picture on 4chan and i screenshotted it because about a month earlier i asked my sister to tell me if it ever appears on 4chan
(09-09-2009, 11:10 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]Vipershark, you make your avatar of me I'll make it so you aren't even aloud to have an avatar. 
someone's a little insecure~chan
(09-09-2009, 11:10 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]Vipershark, you make your avatar of me I'll make it so you aren't even aloud to have an avatar. 
alsooooo someone is holding a grudggggge

(09-09-2009, 11:24 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ] (09-09-2009, 11:10 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]Vipershark, you make your avatar of me I'll make it so you aren't even aloud to have an avatar. 
alsooooo someone is holding a grudggggge 
Not really, I just think the jokes are getting old :/ Plus the topic says hot girls, I think it's kinda skeevy of you to even mention me in such a topic.
alsooooo something thinks they're cooooooooool

so you admit that you're not hot
also lol lunyka you know I have nothing personal against you :p (inb4 lol backpedal)
but yes, you got me there
give me list for make me a moderator
why does everyone pick on lunyka. thats not cool at all.
I want to know what lunyka looks like
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