One day, you were suddenly magically zapped into a RPG world. To get yourself adjusted into this new world of dungeons, dragons, and magic. You would have to take up a class of your choice. Would this class suit your personality? Or maybe this class has some of your favorite skills? Or maybe you have another reason? We would love to hear it!
Because I'm a RPG nut, I would like to know what class you guys would choose yourselves to be and tell us why you chose this. I think this is a great way to get to know each other! I am only listing as many of the basic RPG classes and not gonna go too indepth with them.
I picked No opinion or decline to vote because that class is awesome.
other: Pimp i would fuck all the hot RPG-anime girls all god damn day
seriosuly though i would be some sort of utility class. not bard or FFXI corsair or anything. like freya from FFIX. utility and melee
i pick the kyrtuck class because i could bug the flippin heck out of my enemies to death
Bard is the best fuckin' class.
Although I'm able to multi-spec, I'd go with a class focused on status effects and lockdown. The FF games don't really have a specific class for that (which is what I'd assume you're listing these classes from, The only difference between Ninja, Assassin, and Thief in most RPG systems is the flavouring); but you'd call that kind of thing the Mesmer or Warlock.
Bard/Mesmer oh yeaaaaah~
i think kyrtuck and this toy squirrel should switch places
so i can be the squirrel class
(09-09-2009, 05:48 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Bard is the best fuckin' class.
Although I'm able to multi-spec, I'd go with a class focused on status effects and lockdown. The FF games don't really have a specific class for that (which is what I'd assume you're listing these classes from, The only difference between Ninja, Assassin, and Thief in most RPG systems is the flavouring); but you'd call that kind of thing the Mesmer or Warlock.
Bard/Mesmer oh yeaaaaah~
FFXI has RDM, based on super debuffing, and corsair which can put salt in the wounds (RDM casts paralyze, monster is paralyzed. corsair uses lightning shot, monster s paralyzed harder).
corsair also shoots for some nice damage and has a pretty powerful "limit break", and AoE party buffs. good class good class
I remember that, but I don't think I got far enough to enjoy the benefits for the Red Mage. Stopped playing before Corsair came out, too. Corsair would be an interesting thing to show up in more games, but for the most part it's just a Gunner with sexy flavouring.
Frankly, I like the way that FFTA2 dealt with Final Fantasy classes more, but in the long run the way they're set up isn't as in-depth as say... your run-of-the-mill tabletop RPG system. Hell, even Guild Wars managed to cover all the shit the FF games did with 20 classes in half that.
you have to realize (i know you do, im just applying it) that ffxi is based on party play. if they slimmed the class selection down and started smashing classes together, there would be less need for so many people per party.
EDIT: oh and this is nit picking but corsair is more of a bard with extra guniness not the other way around B)
Of course, but I feel that forming such rigid divides between classes lowers the ability to customise. Being able to sub a class improves that, though.
(09-09-2009, 06:25 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Of course, but I feel that forming such rigid divides between classes lowers the ability to customise. Being able to sub a class improves that, though.
totally agree. the subjob system saved it.

also equipment plays more of a role and different sets can be considered "specing" but its no where near as in depth, obviously.
i am not good at anything else
I always played White Mage in FFXI and Acolyte in ragnarok hurrdurp
im goign to be a blacksmith in ffvix B)
FFVIX classes have been confirmed? aaa
there are no classes!!!!!!!!! sort of. they said they were dropping the "traditional" classes so there were no preconceptions of what they should and shouldn't be. basically, black mage is called thaumaturge and monk is pugilist
also instead of having crafts and hobbies they made them jobs as well so clothcraft is a job. but ont he bright side they kept the job switching on the fly that FFXI had