Oh right, I remember reading that. Have they changed the crafting system since FFXI or is it still crystal synthesis? Not that there'd be a problem with that, I found the crystal synthesis really neat.
I'd probably go for something like a Red Mage class, an equivalent of which I noticed was absent from that poll.
Not being able to master any of the powers I have would be a disadvantage, but my skills would generally be versatile enough that I'd probably be useful in most situations.
(09-09-2009, 06:36 PM)Nystre Wrote: [ -> ]Oh right, I remember reading that. Have they changed the crafting system since FFXI or is it still crystal synthesis? Not that there'd be a problem with that, I found the crystal synthesis really neat.
no clue atm
i liked crystal syth too, got my alchemy to 50s before i quit.

and 75 DRK, BLU, and THF and was gonna do COR but quit.
ps why does it have to be magically zapped
why couldn't it be like
scientifically zapped
They have a class list for FF14? Where? (Edit: DERP, never mind)
Also it'd be interesting to have a system where in the beginning you have access to all weapon types/stances/spells/skills/whatever, and over time as you use specific types more, the other ones get locked out. If you try to be a jack of all trades your EXP is also fragmented, so you're pressured to specialise, but the game lets you choose exactly what you want to specialise in. Maybe once your 'growth' in playstyle is complete, it generates a name for it. You get the classic Warrior/Priest/Mage titles, and unique ones for the more 'out there' combinations.
Of course in practice it would become evident that some combinations are retarded, and there'd be a subset of skinny, leather wearing half-elves wielding broadswords and fire magic; but that just comes with territory when there's a blank canvas.
Crystalsmithing was cool when it worked, and balls-to-the-wall infuriating when you've spent the last hour gathering materials only to have your shit break because you missed the moon alignment.
I'd have bought the ingredients from the Auction House, but the economy on Quetzalcoatl was so bad...
(09-09-2009, 06:40 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]They have a class list for FF14? Where?
Also it'd be interesting to have a system where in the beginning you have access to all weapon types/stances/spells/skills/whatever, and over time as you use specific types more, the other ones get locked out. If you try to be a jack of all trades your EXP is also fragmented, so you're pressured to specialise, but the game lets you choose exactly what you want to specialise in. Maybe once your 'growth' in playstyle is complete, it generates a name for it. You get the classic Warrior/Priest/Mage titles, and unique ones for the more 'out there' combinations.
Of course in practice it would become evident that some combinations are retarded, and there'd be a subset of skinny, leather wearing half-elves wielding broadswords and fire magic; but that just comes with territory when there's a blank canvas.
this is so awesome
Didn't they say the new system would be weapon-based? I really hope it ends up like this.
(09-09-2009, 06:40 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]They have a class list for FF14? Where?
Also it'd be interesting to have a system where in the beginning you have access to all weapon types/stances/spells/skills/whatever, and over time as you use specific types more, the other ones get locked out. If you try to be a jack of all trades your EXP is also fragmented, so you're pressured to specialise, but the game lets you choose exactly what you want to specialise in. Maybe once your 'growth' in playstyle is complete, it generates a name for it. You get the classic Warrior/Priest/Mage titles, and unique ones for the more 'out there' combinations.
Of course in practice it would become evident that some combinations are retarded, and there'd be a subset of skinny, leather wearing half-elves wielding broadswords and fire magic; but that just comes with territory when there's a blank canvas.
i think this is what FFXIV is doing. they said your class is directly connected to what weapon you have. they also said, pretty much no classes. you mix and match the skills you get from the weapons-- though no one knows how yet.
the theory out there right now is that weapons will have skills attributed to them and the more you fightyou have a chance of "mastering" that skill (learning it permanently). kind of like ffix or ffta/2
the other theory is that what armor you wear lets you use the skills form your other classes, depending on the piece.
I've never played a multiplayer RPG before, but I think I'd probably end up playing a Cleric type.
...Or TF2 Engineer-ish, if something like that existed...
You'll be wantin' the Gadgeteer. They either use guns or their inventions to attack, and are high-risk, high-return. The Final Fantasy variant has skills that affect everyone in a battle, either inflicting all friends or all foes with a status effect.
I would be Pokemon Trainer. I can control monsters to do my bidding!
Small Guns, Repair, Medicine, and Melee.
Come get some.
serious post this time
i'd be a ranger or whatever class uses crossbows
also serious post
I'd be the equivalent of the Scout in RPGs
I want to be one of those npcs that send you on near-impossable side quests that you need to beat to get that last 1% that make you ragequite the game only to complete it first try, a year later.
If I had to take a choice, I´d choose one that used a pair of bayonettes for long and short ranged battle-styles.