Actually they dont have five frames

They only have 3. But yeah i actualy realized they where cut off
No, they have more then just 3 frames. |:
In game, theres at least 4 frames, and theres alternate throwing sprites for with pokeball and without pokeball.
yeah there should be more than that
(09-13-2009, 08:34 AM)heartgold2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, all I have ripped Professor Elms Lab for SS/HG here is the link.
I don't if I need to do anything else, this is my first sprite I have ripped, please help Dazz.
No offense, but no-one can use that.
Here's the player's house.
that black outline isn't supposed to be there, try using a different 3D setting.
Here is the Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver Route Border Inside Tiles if anyone would like to use them.
![[Image: pokemonheartgoldsoulsilver-routebor.png]](
I might be adding a few other things that I need to rip before this is complete.
No Credit Needed.
Maybe I'm wrong (haven't really played Pokemon since generation 2 when was helping a busmate to catch and level up night time only Pokemon, otherwise I was pretty much a Generation 1 player) but is only the overworld 3D, or are both overworld and buildings 3D too?
(09-27-2009, 04:41 PM)xdonthave1xx Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I'm wrong (haven't really played Pokemon since generation 2 when was helping a busmate to catch and level up night time only Pokemon, otherwise I was pretty much a Generation 1 player) but is only the overworld 3D, or are both overworld and buildings 3D too?
Overworld, some types of insides(caves, forests, some buildings) are 3D, Gate houses and normal building insides are not 3D.
Ah. Well then. Nice rip there Gamershow.
Awesome sprites as usual. Like a few other people here I have to get used to using these sprites instead of FR/LG. Anyway thanks for the sprites and keep up the great work.
nice work... by the way... what emulator you used to rip the sprites? I'm thinking of adding some backrounds
I realized that
Is missing 3 Pokemons:
#306 Aggron
#369 Relicanth
#443 Gible
I was wondering if someone could please upload those 3 (everyone with its 2 images)?
(04-28-2010, 03:54 PM)metakeru Wrote: [ -> ]fixed it!
All the sprites on that sheet had their palettes darkened in comparison to the original... =/
these are pretty much the original... are you comparing them to the ones on No$gba? it could be on a setting with inaccurate pallets