I've been playing the hell out of this game recently. Bandi should have stuck to this formula instead of making Digimon into some futurist turned base rpg.
so besides 1, are any other ones good?
Well I never played all the way through 2, but it was pretty good. I'd recommend it.
I really hated that tank thing.
And it was so inpersonal with all the lv.s and things.
1's evolution and skill system was complete blind luck without a walkthrough, and even with one, it was pretty bullshit.
I like the game, but Christ, there was so much wrong with it gameplay-wise. I like the DS incarnations more, although the encounter rates for them aren't very friendly.
(09-10-2009, 06:41 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]1's evolution and skill system was complete blind luck without a walkthrough, and even with one, it was pretty bullshit.
I like the thrills
I think if 1 could of supported 100 more digimon it would have been the best game ever.
But yeah, some of the better digimon were like impossable to get, and this was all before the gamefaqs and shit
I still can't get greymon
I don't like investing that much game time just to find out that you didn't achieve the magical secret combination, and they just give you another Numemon.
Or worse, you *do* get the silly requirements, and then your well-trained monster DIES because it took so fucking long to get that far. Stupid.
I gues it's all an oppinion thing, I like the life and death aspect, it realy makes you make the best of your time and even as a kid I found out how to manage my digimons fagile life to get to the ultimate stage. I know it was to strict though.
1 and 3 are the best

The first three were all good but in completely different ways. 1 is the classic Digimon experience, 2 is the complete opposite and more like pokemon, and 3 is sorta like a standard rpg. 4 is crap. The DS ones were pretty good two.
i can't even beat the first boss in the first one.
There really isn't one
maybe maramon
i always got the shit (literal) digimon. then again i was also like 5
(09-11-2009, 05:20 AM)swim shady Wrote: [ -> ]i always got the shit (literal) digimon. then again i was also like 5
It's easier to get than you think. If you *ever* miss the requirements for a correct digivolution (regardless of what stage your 'mon is currently at) you'll get Numemon.
i liked rumble arena 2 i did lack story but it had great power ups, bosses, and characters they need a 3