I cant be the only one playing this.
It's awesome.
You basically write what you want to solve the puzzle and it shows up for you to use. its a cool game if youre into puzzle solving.
im thinking of buying a ds just for this game
have you tried writing "penis" yet
Played it today, it's pretty awesome, but pretty limited at the same time.
While you can do almost anything (you can't use Abstract or Proper Nouns, nor anything vulgar or copyrighted), you have to work with the physics and object rules they provide. They also take your summon requests very literally.
One mission asks you to catch a butterfly. For one solution, I thought I could suck it up with a vacuum, Luigi's Mansion style; but the vacuum that appears is one of those large dustbag ones with no tubing, so that plan fell flat.
Another time I needed to protect a cake from ants. I typed in 'force field'. It gave me a park with a bench and a tree. =/
Interesting Game I'm playing it right now I threw a baseball at a zombie just now!

I am very confused by level 1-12
(09-11-2009, 06:29 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Played it today, it's pretty awesome, but pretty limited at the same time.
While you can do almost anything (you can't use Abstract or Proper Nouns, nor anything vulgar or copyrighted), you have to work with the physics and object rules they provide. They also take your summon requests very literally.
One mission asks you to catch a butterfly. For one solution, I thought I could suck it up with a vacuum, Luigi's Mansion style; but the vacuum that appears is one of those large dustbag ones with no tubing, so that plan fell flat.
Another time I needed to protect a cake from ants. I typed in 'force field'. It gave me a park with a bench and a tree. =/
there is a good variety of words you can use. its just hard to find out what does and doesnt work.
on 1-1 i tried taser for the cop and it didnt work. :U
stuff like "neogaf", "lollerskates" and "rickroll" work for some reason though.
Its OUT? Damn college. Messing with my gamer funds.
Trick or treat?
*summons zombie*
might i add that worked
I'm stuck on some level where you have to bring a woman a flower in her basket. Which i did, but it won't let me give it to her.
I got to kill a bee with a flamethrower though, that was pretty awesome.
you have to bring 3 flowers
Yeah i just realized :<
that piranha was a bastard to kill though, had to use a fishing rod then a badass wizard.
EDIT: Probably really obvious but what does the teacher want for her classroom?
EditEdit: Nevermind, chalk.
i gave the teacher a student lol
what do you do for the one where youre in some store and you need a fruit, vegetable and drink :V
Get a bag, then put a drink a vegetable and a fruit in it and that's it.