I got two of them animated:
and this little guy who I'm not too fond of:
Then this mushroom I made for my brother, which i didn't really try too hard on the shading:
Tell me what you think, It's been a while.
Animated Cigarette guy in suit is coolest, but don't use a white bg.
Well it's AA'd for a while background, cause i had plans for it, but i lost interest sorta.
I like the black and white moffia alot
Thank you guys,

I don't like how the smoking man's overalls animate. It looks weird for me.
(09-15-2009, 08:25 PM)*Gorsal* Wrote: [ -> ]I don't like how the smoking man's overalls animate. It looks weird for me.
like what's wrong with them? I was trying to make him look mad, so he's breathing hard. Can you be more specific please?
fuck, bro
the mafia's
what I've been working on, except five hundred times better
I love it~
although you need to fix up the thin fedora guy's chest up in his smoking animation. It looks like the white is growing to its side rather than puffing outward :<
(09-16-2009, 02:17 PM)oB2Ko Mario Wrote: [ -> ]although you need to fix up the thin fedora guy's chest up in his smoking animation. It looks like the white is growing to its side rather than puffing outward :<
Yeah someone told me that on pixeljoint, i was gonna change it before i posted it here, but i figured i'd do it later cause it takes forever when you're using Iaza.com, and I'm just that lazy
Also, thanks dude.
Made another thing, for msn, Inspired by
Love the mafia things.
I hope thats the nose on that mushroom thing, because it doesn't Look like a nose to me...