I rented this game today and it sucks really hard.
I rented this shit 'cus characters in it looked awesome. And I was kinda excited to played this thing, I thought it was going to be like Street Fighter IV, but I was completely wrong. Graphics are boring, Movesets are dumb, "Super Combos" are crap.
unsure if troll
most likely troll bait for tyvon
also SF4 sucked hard
(09-15-2009, 11:01 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]also SF4 sucked hard
I actually liked SF4, even though it was annoying as hell and it was pretty damn hard to beat, I dunno there was something fun about it...
KOF7 is not even entertaining...
until you give me a "proper reason" why this game isnt good im gonna call you a troll
because that post was absolutely awful, and you seem to not know how to play.
(09-15-2009, 09:54 PM)EdpR Wrote: [ -> ]Graphics are boring
fully sprited animated backgrounds are boring? right.
i'm going to jump you
the graphics are boring? ALL THAT SHIT IS HAND-DRAWN how in the name of fuck is that boring
super combos are crap? you don't even know how to combo, do you? it's not just punch punch, hadouken like SFIV, you have to put actual thought in putting together painful, destructive combos
HOW ARE THE MOVESETS DUMB? KOF has the MOST diverse movelists in any fighting game, it's not half of the characters having a hadouken and 3/4 of the characters having a shoryuken. characters actually differ. you can't pick up a character and be like "OH HEY I'M AUTOMATICALLY GOOD AT HIM!!!!" you have to put in time to use their moves correctly
you probably don't even know how to do a basic terry combo
the gameplay is fucking solid, there's three different ways to jump, each one used for dodging, combo starting and avoiding attacks. how is that boring? KOF requires the most thought out of any fighting game i've ever played. KOF is also much more exciting to watch than SF
KOF is now and ALWAYS WILL BE superior to SFIV in every way possible. don't play a better game if you can't get used to the better system.
oh and just to add onto this post, the new sprites for KOFXII are way better than taking the graphics into 3D because the artists don't feel like doing sprites and want to replace all the specials with flashy cutscenes and have no actual variance
come the fuck on, SFIV's movelists were incredibly lacking considering they didn't have to SPRITE EVERY GOD DAMN MOVE FOR 16 MONTHS (PER CHARACTER)
i don't even care if i'm being trolled itt this needs to get out there for the people who actually think SF is a better game
Hello Everyone,
Well, I'm guessing this is good for us Europeans, since the patch will probably be implemented when the game is released over here, around the end of september.
Any word from the ps3 users who already have the patch, if it fixes the online play, or just barely noticeable improvements?
I played an imported copy at a friend's place, so I know what the lag you're all talking about it
this is pretty average for a fighting game.
kof98um was a hell of a lot better, and about 5 times cheaper.
KOFXII is a rebirthing of the series, hence "KOF RE-BIRTH" as the trailer/promotion title; something nobody seems to get. It's a re-birth. It's the KOF '94 of this generation, pretty much; everyone expected it to be the best KOF ever, when KOFXI currently takes that role. The entire fighting engine is built from the ground-up, and it's using the newest graphic engines, which is where all the hand-drawn stuff comes from. Since this is a re-birth, you can expect that the next KOF games are going to build off of XII, and considering there's a DLC option in both the PS3 and 360, you can expect character updates, new levels, and other stuff like so. Nobody seems to understand how much effort it takes to completely reconstruct a game from scratch, especially one as finely developed as KOF that's been around for well around 15 years.
Especially considering that all of the current characters are already sprited, you can expect XIII to include more characters and features, as well as more moves. You can tell by playing the game that it's got a "rushed" feeling because they had to do all that hard work in a limited period of time.
If you were disappointed by this game, you jumped into it with the completely wrong mindset.
also, you a homo who can't appreciate a good old fashioned BUSTAH WOOF

Blazblue is is shitloads better,
KoFXIII is good, don't get me wrong, just not outstanding
I watched my friend play BlazBlue for like 5 minutes and it looked amazing.
Not saying that the whole series suck, I used to played KOF at the arcade and I liked it, this was one of the reasons I rented this game and I also thought it was gonna be like SF4, like, cutscenes, new graphics, etc., but instead I see the same KOF I played years ago. I was expecting something completly new, and that's why I feel disappointed...
anyway, I played KOFXII again this morning. I regret saying that the graphics were boring, I didn't appreciate them the first time I played, I liked the bgs a lot, characters were nice too...
what the?
how did...?
It wasn't very well coded. Apparently it was one of those "The fandom don't ever speak of this" games.