(09-17-2009, 12:53 AM)Tyvon Wrote: [ -> ] (09-16-2009, 10:47 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]because i can
you are learning, young padawan.............
Quote:Warning Date Issued Expiry Date Issued By
Spamming (+10 points)
for post: RE: Happy Thread Today, 12
8 AM 10-17-2009, 12
8 AM Lunyka
(09-15-2009, 11:23 PM)swim shady Wrote: [ -> ]my mom just died
not really sadly
Aside from that being outside of spamhaul; and largely justifiable for warning (if you weren't being serious).
aside from it not being spam and contributing to the topic whether it was serious or not.
EDIT: and dotn say ohh but its agianst the rules for this reason and that reason and blah blahb blah the point of this forum is for entertainment, a few people thought it was funny, there point delivered.
im pretty sure ive seen you argue that these forums are not a democracy and you can do whatever you want so by that logic there are no rules that you HAVE to adhere to, it would have been hella easy to let shit like that slide. im pretty sure its a rule somewhere to not say a 4chan meme but im sure you let them slide all the time.
SO basically what im saying is, even if what i did WAS against the rules (which it wasnt) it honestly did absolute *zero* harm unless your going to tell my mommy i said that.
i dont know why you always have to start shit with me i thought we were cool until i said i didnt want to do rpg project with you then you started being douchebot 5000 to me
grooveman didn't anybody ever tell you not to talk back to your dad like that?????
Hey Chad, I could always ban your account for being an alt.

But even if it was serious why post it in the happy thread for anything other then being a joke? All I ask is keep your spam here and not let it leak out.
what if his mom was a horrible person? what if she abused him his entire life and he hated her with his guts, and she was holding him back from anything even remotely similar to a life?? eh???
there are many (albeit unlikely) possible ways for someone to be happy at someones death - even their moms.
i know someone who would be happy if his mom died, so~~~~!
Hey Lunyka, a joke != spam.
i could also argue that while someone else posted porn before i did (forgot who) they were banned for like a week, whihc i afterwrd posted "porn" (now that i look at the pic, it actually didnt show any tits or genetals, just was very very skin intensive), groove was a little grumpy at me and banned me for life
so i wouldnt have to have made an alt if goove wasnt a biast cunt to me
Durr hee hee spam.
Owned. Bye.
That was Groove, not Lunyka.
Groove banned you, Lunyka just warned you.
i need to save my serious posting in spamhaul big text to a .txt file so i can post it every time this shit happens
(09-18-2009, 04:09 AM)NorskSengir Wrote: [ -> ]That was Groove, not Lunyka.
Groove banned you, Lunyka just warned you.
the otherhalf of the argument was about Groove being a dick, and i was justifying my alt account status