Mine so doesnt suck, swim shady i will kill your dick
Anyway, would help if you actually said why, instead of leaving me to wonder, tyvm.
I vote gorsal.
baboy, colors and texture of your piece are p.good
but the boat looks really distorted, some parts of it are in an angle and other parts look like they're in another
plus, some parts of it look like it's made of rubber, it's not rough or realistic enough
i know you asked swimshady but those were my impressions of it
anyway, uuhhh i wasn't gonna vote for this but i'll vote gorsal
even though i love kori's style, it seems like he could have done a lot more, plus gorsal's has a saturn cameo in it tee hee

the boats shape is awkward and out of all sorts of proportion and there is no real dimensions, they change a lot. all the color sare too similar and almost blinding and the whole thing is apparently made up of red boards
the colors are atrocious and the wrinkles int he sail are awkward and mispalced. the only good thing on it is the anchor and actually the anchor is pretty good but i just really odnt liekt he boat itself looksterrible IMO. <------------------- *****I M O*********
Thanks, guys.
I was trying to make the top part look like logs, and make the whole thing look like a shambles of a ship, but I guess it doesn't work. :/
if solitaire doesnt win im going to make robo9 kill you all
gorsal - 7
1up - 1
baboy - 2
pokepimp - 2
solitaire - 3
i guess robo9 will kill us all.
...so? Are the votes over?
Should be. I'll de-sticky and lock.