Hey guys what's up guess who it is
also if you watch a ways through the video you'll find out that his parents don't like him and if you watch his other videos he plays with pokemon plushies even though hes 15
you know what i think i think dazz and the staff should just let me stay now since i learned my lesson
either that or just keep me in spamhaul
well in that case
inb4 you screw up again
no im seroius i wont!
but hey admins unban my ip this proxy is slow as hell and keeps replacing diogys xbox thing with a new milford ad
lol youre still not
hi boo
Congradulations, you just won the coveted "more annoying than Jesus lizard" award!
(09-22-2009, 05:38 PM)Jesus lizard Wrote: [ -> ]Congradulations, you just won the coveted "more annoying than Jesus lizard" award!
you're not nearly as bad as colton
(09-22-2009, 05:40 PM)Aunt Vagina Wrote: [ -> ] (09-22-2009, 05:38 PM)Jesus lizard Wrote: [ -> ]Congradulations, you just won the coveted "more annoying than Jesus lizard" award!
you're not nearly as bad as colton
oh hi 1up i love you too lets get together later
oh colton
he once asked me for some real life info about getting attention with friends and girls
seriously what the fuck
(09-22-2009, 05:50 PM)Unfunny Bunny Wrote: [ -> ]oh colton
he once asked me for some real life info about getting attention with friends and girls
seriously what the fuck
yeah and you never answered i still need help because theres this girl i like but shes a bit older than me i dont know if thats gonna ruin my chances
hi colton.
ur cute

Colton you're fine with me, but the admins will probably be watchin' ya. You're on thin ice, so watch your back. :p