im rolling my dick around in my pants atm
(09-22-2009, 09:42 PM)DeathIsNotTheEnd Wrote: [ -> ]im rolling my dick around in my pants atm

Finland, Finland, Finland
That's the country for me!
Finland is the country where we dance
Finland is the country where we play
Here in Finland boy and girl can find a true romance
In traditional Scandinavian vay!
Schlip! Schlap!
Schlip-a-schlap-a vay
Schlip! Schlap!
Schlap away all day
Schlip! Schlap!
You simply can't go wrong
Vith traditional fish-schlapping song
Finland, Finland, Finland
The country where I quite want to be
Pony trekking-
Or camping-
Or just watching TV
Finland, Finland, Finland
That's the country for me
did you seriously ban him for this
nope, the ban log says alt.
Konaasi stop copying me,,,,be a leader, not a follower.
uh dudes
this guy isn't an alt of ANYBODY
he's registered to PxC too, under the same username.
mods are allowed to ban people just because they think they're alts
but if we even accuse someone of being a troll we get warned
nice job guys
Well, can't exactly blame them, since people like audio or nitram have 29578y546890 alts.
Apart from when they do.
Hell, you're using an alt right now, like your 3rd or 4th.
(09-24-2009, 05:57 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Apart from when they do.
Hell, you're using an alt right now, like your 3rd or 4th.
not alt, brotha