Whew. All saved. They'll be uploaded/updated soon.

Thank you!
I also plan on eventually updating my Sonic 1 rips so they also contain the 16x16 and 8x8 tiles. However, that will have to wait until after I finish the Sonic CD rips (I'm already on a roll with those and I don't want to stop).
Everything should be up/fixed now!
Got another one!
![[Image: tidaltempestgoodfuture_icon.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/other_systems/soniccd/tidaltempestgoodfuture_icon.png)
These are very nice rips.

Got another one for you.
![[Image: quartzquadrantpast_icon.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/other_systems/soniccd/quartzquadrantpast_icon.png)
Very cool. As a kid I had never seen the word quadrant, so I kept calling it "Quartz Coordinate."
I never had a Sega CD as a kid, nor did any of my friends. They all had SNESes. I had a Genesis and only a few games. I didn't even get to play Sonic CD until roms and emulators came along.
My friend had one with the 32x and Sega CD. I had a SNES.
Here's Quartz Quadrant Present!
![[Image: quartzquadrantpresent_icon.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/other_systems/soniccd/quartzquadrantpresent_icon.png)
Time for some Good Future. I'll most likely end up putting boss stuff on their own sheet(s) in the future. I just have the main level stuff on this sheet.
![[Image: quartzquadrantgoodfuture_icon.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/other_systems/soniccd/quartzquadrantgoodfuture_icon.png)
I diverted a bit with my rip of World 2 (aka Techno Tower Zone) in Crackers, but I'm back on track now with Quartz Quadrant Bad Future.
![[Image: quartzquadrantbadfuture_icon.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/other_systems/soniccd/quartzquadrantbadfuture_icon.png)
Hey Divine Insect, you still working on ripping CD ? i really like your rips, they are very well organized.
Anyways I'm looking for stardust speedway.