I'm actually happy about this. I'm not really a fan of Starforce's designs (I have yet to play it, though).
Megaman Starforce 3 was pretty fantastic; and I've only really played one battle network game (didn't really enjoy it), I hope this is good.
So far, I've only played Starforce 1 (haven't beaten it yet) and I like it much better than the entire MMBN series. (even though it's essentially the same thing)
I was one of those kids who owned a GBA on day one. I remember this game fondly.
See, I didn't own any GBA games bar Super Mario Advance, so when I was in dire need of a new play, my cornerstore had GBA games for rent. I'd go up there and rent Super Dodgeball Advance, Advance Wars, or Rayman, and later on, Golden Sun and Wario Land 4.
Now, I was pretty young. My only experience in Mega Man was Mega Man 7 for the SNES at a very young age. So you can technically say, MMBN was the game that introduced me to Mega Man.
Fuck. I loved every minute spent playing that game. I saved the fucking town from dehydration. Owned the shit out of Woodman. And made Proto Man look my bitch. And Dex had a Gamecube in his room, and I jacked into that shit.
Everything about MMBN was amazing for me. The future games never did top it, which is a shame. Though tbf, I played little of MMBN2 or 3.
I'm sad that its basically just a port to the DS of MMBN1 with some added things for starforce.
Need a new MMBN game like MMBN 3.
Why couldn't they have remade something in the Zero series? That would've been awesome! XD That series came dangerously close to being as milked as this one though... it should have ended at 3, which seemed like a very logical conclusion, where it had the most and best bosses (best in my opinion anyway), multiple boss music themes (3 for the final boss alone), and the villain was subtley hinted at the whole Zero series, and even parts of the X series.
But they even messed that up a bit:
1. No fights with the X Guardians, and in the next game they are gone without a trace (explanation given by the creators, but not in-game)
2. They left a loose end with a villain you don't even fight in 3 to ensure a number 4.
3. With the final boss from 3 dead and no X Guardians, 4's villains seem out of the blue, save one.
That's not to say that the 4th was horrible, I just think the 3rd would have felt like a more organic ending. 4 seemed tacked on... but I did like the ending to 4. Zero does something pretty awesome.
... Not only did I veer so horribly far off topic, but I simultaneously milked the Zero series.

I'm a monster.
mmbn is gay
also OSS is a star force game taking place during mmbn1
Except it's using BN's battle system, chips, and bosses with very little to do with Star Force at all, it seems. Aside from the inclusion of the protagonist, anyway.
its giving the bn fans who always bitch about how inferior sf is what they want.
and at the same time, continuing the story of sf without making a new game
star force 3.5
game would be so much awesomer (and a hell of a lot more bearable) if they used the GBA slot-2 feature to import chips from all six MMBN games and DS wireless link to import things from Starforce
Didn't MMBN5 or 6 allow you to slot-2 import stuff?
BN5 DS let you put in any of the main series GBA games to change the ingame music and give sidequests.
(10-18-2009, 10:25 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]game would be so much awesomer (and a hell of a lot more bearable) if they used the GBA slot-2 feature to import chips from all six MMBN games
oops DSi
I'm quite happy by this. ;D
Judging by the gameplay though it seems that they are keeping the same battle engine from the original game. (5 Chip add and whatnot) I however am more than delighted they are keeping the same large overworld style, The horrid chibis from the last three games made me cringe.
Also, I get to fight the DreamVirus again, only the coolest looking final boss ever. (Maybe they won't shit on its AI, I would've preferred a stronger tougher battle :/ )
Only thing I didn't really like from this trailer was the bad remix of the title music.