I asked him if he would let me into heaven, but he said no.
When I asked him why, he said it was because I looked like a sir.
When I asked him what was wrong with being gay, he said it's queer.
When I asked him what was wrong with being queer, he said it's gay.
I thought God was a cool guy, but it turns out he's just some myopic piece of shit.
I propose we nuke the shit out of heaven so God has to burn in hell for all eternity. Then we make a new heaven that's a lot better. It'll have great music, food, porn, video games, no non-smoking sections, no taxes, it'll run on anarchy, and we'll all use pages out of the Bible to wipe our asses. Oh, and we'll make it where homophobic retards can't get in. =3
Any suggestion to improve upon this flawlessly wonderful idea?
no, there's no way to fix this horrible idea, or this horrible topic
Yes there is.
You need to be creative, which is something I cannot be.
ok stooben rooben, lets get this plan into action, your the leader so get a move on. your going to need plenty of time to work on this plan so i suggest you stray away from the forum for awhile and get back to us when your plan is finished.
with you on this plan 100%! go for it!
Screw it, I'm too impatient to finish planning it out. I'm going up to heaven right now so I can kick God's ass.
Wait, I just realized I'd have to be dead to go to heaven. Can somebody please kill me? I don't have the balls to do it myself.
just tell your mother what you
really do on family game night. that should do it.
hope you kick gods ass.

Ooh, ooh, I like that idea. That'll ensure a painless death.
Thank you.
so basically you want no distinctions between either of the two hypothetical final resting places for our deceased souls?
I propose ice cream party, as that is tangible and existent.
(10-21-2009, 12:15 AM)Stooben Rooben Wrote: [ -> ]I asked him if he would let me into heaven, but he said no.
When I asked him why, he said it was because I looked like a sir.
When I asked him what was wrong with being gay, he said it's queer.
When I asked him what was wrong with being queer, he said it's gay.
I thought God was a cool guy, but it turns out he's just some myopic piece of shit.
I propose we nuke the shit out of heaven so God has to burn in hell for all eternity. Then we make a new heaven that's a lot better. It'll have great music, food, porn, video games, no non-smoking sections, no taxes, it'll run on anarchy, and we'll all use pages out of the Bible to wipe our asses. Oh, and we'll make it where homophobic retards can't get in. =3
Any suggestion to improve upon this flawlessly wonderful idea?
Smells like a coming-out thread turned into immature rantings...
If you really want to admit your homosexuality, I would suggest going about it differently. That is, not rambling on about "nuking heaven" and building a new one. Or are you purposefully trying to declare stupidity in the name of gay? idc
Quote:video games, no non-smoking sections, no taxes, it'll run on anarchy
you are a fucking loser
all of those things combined (especially the latter three) just made me sigh out of my fucking ass
as if the thread alone wasn't bad enough
Well, that sucked. God kicked
my ass. And now I'm dead and there's nothing I can do about it. :[
A-Okay! Wrote:so basically you want no distinctions between either of the two hypothetical final resting places for our deceased souls?
Both of them suck as it is, so I'm trying to make a better one. But, I'm starting to think that revamping heaven is the wrong way to go about it. I might open up a club or something instead.
A-Okay! Wrote:I propose ice cream party, as that is tangible and existent.
This could be a good start.
SengirDev Wrote:If you really want to admit your homosexuality, I would suggest going about it differently. That is, not rambling on about "nuking heaven" and building a new one. Or are you purposefully trying to declare stupidity in the name of gay? idc
My family commonly makes presumptions that I'm going to be gay because I haven't had a girlfriend yet as a way to irritate me. So, I just throw it right back in there face and joke about being gay. I just tend to do it anywhere now, purely in spite of them. I'm certain that I'm not gay, but it's not like I'd care if I was, anyway.
Gizmonicgamer Wrote:all of those things combined (especially the latter three) just made me sigh out of my fucking ass

your my idol. i mean, your dead and your still putting in the effort to post on this forum. i hope we can be friends. i mean that would just be the greatest.