What would be the most awesome way to go?
And no, it doesn't have to be realistic.
For now, I'd either want to die after having sex or be mutilated by the U-3.
falling on my sword after reading this topic
Quote:For now, I'd either want to die after having sex
Quote:And no, it doesn't have to be realistic.
you got that right
That was kind of the point.
Imploding on the crowded city streets of New York.
After reaching the top of Mt. Everest, then getting hit by a meteor.
dieing from punching you through the internet because suddenly my connection got lost and my arm came off and i died of blood loss
just die. you sick, ugly piece of flab you call a human. your gonna die by a pick axe to the leg, and suffer major blood loss. i hope.
jump off a cliff into coffin
do something really crazy and then die
the best way to die would be to die before i entered this topic
oh well

In response to the more 'negative' posts: You guys are right; this topic does suck, just like my last one did, and just like my next few probably will as well. But hey, everyone has a different definition of what a good topic is; eventually, you'll either get used to my way of posting, or it'll improve. Either way, it'll work out fine in the long-run. =)
On-topic: Being turned into a giant block of ice and pushed off of a moving airplane into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Play a drunk game and blast my head off with a gun.
why do I keep clicking on this topic