Just being a nerd for putting in his whole name. Anyway didn't we have a Tails sprite back in the old Fantasy Smash Thread.
Anyway it's open if somebody wants to use him.
Up-B - Propeller Tails
B- Tail Swipe (Rhythm Badge)
Down B- Spindash
Forward B- Unknown
Personally I would have preferred Billy Hatcher as the other SEGA representative hahaha.
(10-26-2009, 07:42 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I would have preferred Billy Hatcher as the other SEGA representative hahaha.
...or Vectorman/Alex Kidd
Sonic doesn't deserves a second character IMO
Sonic is the best known Sega franchise and the only one that is still making consistent games today. Tails is immensely popular and different enough to be a unique character. I think he's more than deserving.
Did we ever decide if his fly would be a multi-jump or up-B?
(10-26-2009, 08:54 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Sonic is the best known Sega franchise and the only one that is still making consistent games today. Tails is immensely popular and different enough to be a unique character. I think he's more than deserving.
Did we ever decide if his fly would be a multi-jump or up-B?
Id say Up B. Because Kirby and Jigglypuff use it, the only one who doesn't have their Up B that does nothing is Yoshi, because in his games there is no move that allows him to do that. So stick with the Up B.
See, I was thinking a multijump like Kirby/Jigglypuff/Metaknight/Charizard.
(10-26-2009, 09:04 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]See, I was thinking a multijump like Kirby/Jigglypuff/Metaknight/Charizard.
Oh, your right, forget my post above, I forgot that those characters use that instead of an Up B.
What would be a good up B then? And should he share the spindash with Sonic?
I think that as long as every other aspect of his moveset is unique from Sonics then it should be alright to give him a spindash.
(10-26-2009, 09:08 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]What would be a good up B then? And should he share the spindash with Sonic?
I don't know about his up b, but you should add his spindash, because basically the main character do that, so yes. I think his Final Smash should feature the Tornado.
When I think Tails and Final Smash the first thing to come to mind is his airplane. I don't know the details that would involve though.

(10-26-2009, 09:20 PM)Arthur Wrote: [ -> ]When I think Tails and Final Smash the first thing to come to mind is his airplane. I don't know the details that would involve though. 
I believe his airplane is called the Tornado, not sure though.
I was thinking his mech from SA2, personally.
(10-26-2009, 09:23 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I was thinking his mech from SA2, personally.
Which is more well-known? I think that would be our best option.
The plane is obviously more well known. But does it have any offensive capabilities? The mech can hover, shoot lasers, fire bullets...