i know that old macintosh programs (before imacs and shit; the old desktops) used to have a program built in that let you do shit like that)
dunno about a windows alternative or if new iMacs have it or not
you might just have to use really hardcore voice distortion in a sound editing program
didn't Mecha use the voice distortion thing in his No More Plumbers fangame?
yeah, but I haven't been able to get in contact with him at all
what's his MSN
Grasshopper (the team that made No More Heroes) used an inbuild Mac program that can generate voices (text-to-speech). I am not sure what the program is specifically called, but it has a voice set called "whisper" which is what they used.
Any Mac-user should be familiar with this program if you ask them, I believe. At least that's how Mac-users responded to me.
Hope I'm not too late

how did you do it then
you had the effect in no more plumbers
speekonia or w/e has "mike (whisper) and female (whisper)"
Apparently it's a free download. No crack or anything. Rhymey got it for the Spamhaul Challenge thing.
(12-10-2009, 05:25 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]where do I get speekonia
. . .
I was under the assumption that it was a torrent
no you just put your email in and name and you close and reopen it its activated
i'll try it out then
does it work like vocaloid where it has both japanese and english?
vocaloids doesnt have english and japanese.
mean, miku only talks in engrish.