(11-01-2009, 08:28 PM)GaryCXJk Wrote: [ -> ]So, I find it pretty ironic that these "fans" want more "hardcore" games, demanding a Kirby game, while Kirby in itself is far from hardcore.
Well that's why I don't exactly believe in the "hardcore" I only believe in the "gamer games" and "non-gamer games"
Gamer games are for people who regularly play games. Non-gamer games are for people who don't play games. Kirby is a gamer game, you have to have some dedication and experience to beat it. If just a little. Brain Age is a non-gamer game requires no experience and no dedication.
(11-01-2009, 07:47 PM)Rai Wrote: [ -> ] (11-01-2009, 05:53 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]Also Metroid Dread is also in the works. It could end up 2D. It could be 3D. It could follow what Other M sets with the mix of 2D and 3D gameplay.
Dread's in development hell, Johnny. Clicky!
No Duke Nukem Forever is the development hell. Dread hasn't approached that point yet. Though Kirby Wii could arguably be reaching this point or already reached it...
They made her breasts really big in that game.
(11-02-2009, 06:58 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-01-2009, 07:47 PM)Rai Wrote: [ -> ] (11-01-2009, 05:53 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]Also Metroid Dread is also in the works. It could end up 2D. It could be 3D. It could follow what Other M sets with the mix of 2D and 3D gameplay.
Dread's in development hell, Johnny. Clicky!
No Duke Nukem Forever is the development hell. Dread hasn't approached that point yet.
Stage 1: Denial.
Work on any 2D Metroid has stopped, bar none. Your willingness to bet on Dread right now is like those poor sods who were willing to bet on Prey (or, as you pointed out, DNF) in '98. In short, it's not smart to look forward to something that's likely about five years off, if not more.
Hell, at
least wait for an official announcement in Nintendo's part. Then I'll let you be excited. Until then, as far as we, the fans, are concerned, it burns just as crispy as Duke Nukem Forever.
I'm still waiting for a Zelda Wii update. As for a turning point, let's hope so. I love my DS, but the Wii has been dissappointing me as of late. New Super Mario Bros Wii , Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, and let's pray to God a new Starfox someday, should bring me back.
whatever you guys say, but ps will always own nintendo.
But i like nintendo, they do small cool very technologic videogames.
(11-01-2009, 04:17 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ] (11-01-2009, 10:03 AM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]If us fans finally 'got it' we'd have a console Kirby game
>Hoshi no Kirby(Temp.) 2009
Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]a god damn 2D Metroid
Other M(Temp.) TBA
Metroid Other M is not exactly a 2D Metroid but seems to feature a lot 2D gameplay on it.
We've been promised a console Kirby game since the cube, even seeing screen shots of it. Until the game is out a release date means nothing. And as cool as Other M looks it is 100% not the traditional 2D Metroid game fans are craving.
(11-02-2009, 12:40 AM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]I know. When I saw Captain Falcon in Brawl with those design changes, I immediately thought that it would mean a new F-Zero game soon. Like Roy in Melee hinted the new Fire Emblem game, like the many Kirby Superstar references in Brawl prepared the people for the Kirby SuperStar Ultra remake for the DS, but it just didn't show up.
As well as that StarFox stage in Brawl was so polished up that it really looked like a hint to a new StarFox game.
But those just didn't come.
We have two or three Mario titles per year, but it has been years that we don't have mainstream games, or even games from some franchises. That really makes me sad.
Roy's was out before Melee I believe on the GBA, though only in Japan. You play as Roy's father in the first English Fire Emblem game (also on the GBA) and thus see Roy at the end of the game. Releasing the prequel (even if it was made after) to a game we never got does seem weird, but well communicating with English Mother fans about Mother 3 and then not bringing it out in English is also strange.
And yeah Metroid Dread... really? Is anyone even still hoping for news about this?
(11-03-2009, 08:27 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]And as cool as Other M looks it is 100% not the traditional 2D Metroid game fans are craving.
Speak for yourself. Ninja Gaiden Black felt very Metroid-esque to me in the exploratory aspect, and I have some relatively high expectations for Other M.
Quote:And yeah Metroid Dread... really? Is anyone even still hoping for news about this?

Nintendo knows how to make money without working hard know. They're not going to change.
I swear i like classics characters and classic gameplays being reinveinted and used for the sake of a good experience. but god, i don't want to play any more mario games again. at least all these shitty sonic relases in the last years have forced the sonic team to try to introduce all sort of new elements(even if they were not even necesary or are completely worthless) on each game.
i am amazed Nintendo hasn't jumped on the bandwagon and made a MMO out of mario or zelda.
I'm a huge Ninja Gaiden fan owning every game in the series minus the handheld ones (hell I won Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden Sigma - which is really sad) but I wouldn't compare it to Metroid at all in the slightest.
As for the new Mario games, I simply can't be bothered to play them. I believe Sega's problem is that instead of adding loads of crazy crap they should actually fix everything what is wrong with the games. If the game is bad, don't just add a jet-pack and a sword and a talking pie to the next one. That won't fix anything, you'll just end up with another crap game but this one will have a jet-pack, a sword and a talking pie.
I've been a Nintendo kid since the NES, I have boxes of Mario collectable crap under my bed but I simply don't care about Nintendo now days. Ever since the N64 I've just felt as if they've pushed old fans further and further away (for those who still love Nintendo, good for you). Every Zelda game feels like one I've already played, every Star Fox game makes me just want to set the N64 or SNES back up and every Mario game just reminds me how good Yoshi's Island was and how every Mario game brought something new instead of just trying to recreate the games of old. I'd rather play God of War and see what happens to Kratos at the end of it all, play through Uncharted 2 and be generally excited with the action, play horde of Gears of War 2 and have a gripping experience with a friend as we narrowly escape death. Nintendo games just don't excite me any more. And when they do, such as No More Heroes, that Demon Blade game I can't spell and Prime 3, I'm simply to lazy to dust the brush off the Wii and wish they were on something that didn't look ass on a HDTV and didn't use motion controls.
(11-04-2009, 08:18 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a huge Ninja Gaiden fan owning every game in the series minus the handheld ones (hell I won Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden Sigma - which is really sad) but I wouldn't compare it to Metroid at all in the slightest.
So you're saying that Ninja Gaiden had no exploration or progression aspects? Just about the only significant difference I can think of (save for stylistic difference) is that Ninja Gaiden was far more combat-oriented. *shrug*
Quote:And yeah Metroid Dread... really? Is anyone even still hoping for news about this?
Uh, why wouldn't we?
Metroid has pretty much been dead to me since 1994, save for Zero Mission and Fusion. Anything that could get me to feel the same way I felt about Super would be more then welcome.
Quote:So you're saying that Ninja Gaiden had no exploration or progression aspects? Just about the only significant difference I can think of (save for stylistic difference) is that Ninja Gaiden was far more combat-oriented. *shrug*
Metroid is nothing like Ninja Gaiden.
Oh hell I would love some news, but I'm not excited at all and have no hope of seeing any because the chances of any news coming is as likely as Uncharted 3 starring a robotic penguin.
As for the Ninja Gaiden thing, the exploring was so obvious and there wasn't too much travelling back and forth I mean hell I really don't see the connection - at all. With Metroid you were faced with strange obstacles and were like "how the hell do I do that" only to progress half-way through the game and then be granted the ability needed to pass it making you feel really smart.