Hey! I'm Jack Skellington (obviously) and although I am new to the forums, im no stranger to the site. I've been on here for almost a year now, and ive probably downloaded and editted about 1GB of sprites. So, now I'm part of the community! I will probably just do custom sprites and edits, but ill submit the occasional "official" sprite or two when I can! Thanks!
Wait, didn't you have like a few sheets on the site from like a long time ago? You're the same Jack Skellington, right?
I dont think that was me..... maybe...... All i now is that I love NMBXMAS, so if it was related tot that, then theres a chance

how did you not notice the introduction forum
its less than an inch above the NEW THREAD button
i thought this was gonna be jack skellington xx
son, i am dissapoint
Don't be so hard on him he just joined. Anyway welcome to TSR.
(10-30-2009, 01:55 PM)a vagina like elephant ears Wrote: [ -> ]how did you not notice the introduction forum
its less than an inch above the NEW THREAD button
its sad because its true