Wow, these are really great. Some of the enemies got some pretty rad edits. Please tell me that the giant mechanical body belongs to Evil Mask.
Do you have a way of getting screenshots of the game? Cause if so, I have a couple maps saved on my computer that I haven't been able to upload because I don't have a good screenshot of them (Feymarch/Sylph Cave tiles and Magnus Cave/Sealed Cave tiles). Excellent excellent work. I really can't wait for more.
But that's enough gushing from me for now.

Very cool sprites, I nerver looked any images of ff4 the After Years!
Nicely done, I believe I know how you ripped them as well.
Very nice! I love FF4TAY so these make me quite happy.
The gilrs bat(apper with bats sometimes) and the two soul apper near the final battle with Zeromus don´t apper in the game?
Where the Battle Backgrounds!
You mean the Succubus? Yup. They are there and they are missing from the sheet, nice eye
Where the espers-summons of the game (it´s exist)?
He hasn't finished yet. Calm down.
thanks for noticing the succubus and vampiress were gone, updated it
had them in my folder all along but I somehow missed them when putting it together. also checked it again for any others that might've been missed, but that seems to be it. note that some monsters from FF4, like zemus's breath, don't return - for reference, here is a list of those:
Li'l Murderer
Echidna (the Succubus palette swap)
Evil Doll
Security Eye
Last Arm
Zemus's Breath
Zemus's Mind
still working on 2 other sprite sheets for the game. eidolons at the moment are a low priority, since there isn't anything new. the boss eidolons are on the respective sheet however
The sprites are probably exactly the same as their GBA counterparts anyway.
Now you mention it, there was a secret enemy that used the old Calca and Brina dolls (the smaller dolls) in Rydia's chapter. I recall to spend one week fighting them to get the items I needed to fix Calca and Brina and looks like it's missing, or I'm not just looking hard enough?
And Ton is right, many of the monsters are from the GBA version of FIV and the other games.
you maybe mean the quarto puppet, it's somewhere next to the doll fought in Palom's tale
Oh, I see it now, thanks

Man, stop necroposting, it's annoying