Hello friends. I'm having some issues ripping sprites from a PSP game. Specifically Final Fantasy II for the PSP. I need Minwu's sprites and the guy witht he mustache too. I've been going through the obnoxious amount of files in the massive "ff2_data.bin" and other than TIMs GIMs and some type of music file, there is no support for any of the other files. I previously thought that the GIMs contained the sprites as they did in the previous game, but unfortunately, for this game they only contain some minor effects and the generally useless monster shadows. I've included a link to a zip file containing examples of each file type and the relevant files that share the same name but different extensions. I need help finding out which have the graphics files and how to open them. I know there's some knowledgable people there who can figure this out with me, but the matter is getting in contact with them. Can anyone help me with this so I can FINALLY fully rip these two games?
File Examples
Aha! With a quick run through Tile Molester, turns out the graphics files are the .ACG files. So, could someone take a look at those and tell me what to do with them?
If you wish to view them in tile molester, the codec is 8bpp linear with Mode set to 2-Dimensional. You may have to fool around with the canvas size before you can see the parts of them properly.
Edit: Well, I've got the sprites properly found, all I need is someone to detect the palettes for me. Then I can get on with my full party rip I've been wanting to do for so long.
er...lol nobody really wants to help you XD but, seeing as I don't rip, I can't find anything to say about this, because I know nothing, but I suppose it's a learning proces...just like customs and such are.
if you don't have anything to say about this, it means you just wrote that to say you don't have anything to say? either that or you just went for the postcount.
Try looking through the file with 15bpp BGR and see if anything "pops" out, you'll understand if somethings there.
(11-02-2009, 07:16 PM)DigiTamer Metaru Wrote: [ -> ]if you don't have anything to say about this, it means you just wrote that to say you don't have anything to say? either that or you just went for the postcount.
HURR HURR, I was outlining the fact that he was not being helped by anybody in any way whatsoever, and that he's saying he's doing pretty fine on his own, lol, and er...post count? lol like it would matter. so erm... oh great look at that! I still have nothing in contribution to the topic. but it seems like you had nothing to contribute either. ah well, thanks for making me go on a rant. lol
...the page doesn't make it look like a rant though, lol.
are you always like this?
(11-02-2009, 07:24 PM)bnewton Wrote: [ -> ] (11-02-2009, 07:16 PM)DigiTamer Metaru Wrote: [ -> ]if you don't have anything to say about this, it means you just wrote that to say you don't have anything to say? either that or you just went for the postcount.
HURR HURR, I was outlining the fact that he was not being helped by anybody in any way whatsoever, and that he's saying he's doing pretty fine on his own, lol, and er...post count? lol like it would matter. so erm... oh great look at that! I still have nothing in contribution to the topic. but it seems like you had nothing to contribute either. ah well, thanks for making me go on a rant. lol
...the page doesn't make it look like a rant though, lol.
youre gay i dont like you
Please do not spam in my topic. Take your whinings elsewhere.
Thank you deathbringer for that advice. I did try it but nothing really appeared significant. I believe the .acl files contain the palettes for the .acg files, but I'm not sure what to do to combine them properly so I can get the full palettes.
Oh, you might want to click the +/- while searching, sometimes a palette ends in an odd variable (1,3,5,7,9,b,d,f).
And since you're working with 8bpp, shorten the number of columns (say 4), it'll help make the grouping more noticeable.
I'm no good at the palette finding, I'm doing my best but failing miserably. If the palettes are even IN the file, I'm pretty sure they're right at the top of the file, the problem is I have no idea how to apply them. I mean that's the only place there's a string of irregular and randomly placed pixels, everything else is part of the actual sprites.
See this:
![[Image: Image.png]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v735/PaperMario/Spriting/Image.png)
If you uh, zoom in on that, at the very top there's stray pixels. I'm figuring that might be the palette information. Problem is I have no idea how palettes work, so I'm a bit out of luck when it comes to this.
I'd help but the Zip file seems to be missing the files.
Huh, that's odd. Well here's a zip containing all ACG and ACL files, for good measure, just pick an ACG and open it in Tile Molester, and set it to the settings mentioned above, and you'll see the sprites after changing the canvas width a bit inward.
ACGs and ACLs
Figured it out, the palettes are in ACL and the address is 8 (which should work for Tile Molester as it would still be the same in Decimal).
And since you're using Tile Molester, you can change the block size to 2x2 and that should allow you to align the tiles correctly with expanding the total columns.
This was actually done in TiledGGD but the method does work for Tile Molester.
Figured a way to do it in TiledGGD also, man I feel happy now.
So how do I import the palettes from the ACL?