Quote:itt: good posts
itt: an impossibility
(11-04-2009, 05:02 PM)Nystre Wrote: [ -> ]jesus lizard and baboy make better posts than boo

stooben you cuddly little bear. where do you get off! I used to look up to you. you bitch, I never want to see you again.
itt: jealousy of good posting skillz. yes.. a z
oh and if you think jesus lizard is a better poster than me then. wow. the forum will now self destruct. but seriously.
Actually, I'm pretty hurt that I'm as bad as Jesus Lizard. HURT.
(11-04-2009, 05:22 PM)Boo Wrote: [ -> ]stooben you cuddly little bear. where do you get off! I used to look up to you. you bitch, I never want to see you again.
I'm so sorry, Boo. Can you ever forgive me?

Skillz. Yeah, with a z. So what? I know spelled it wrong... bitch.
(11-04-2009, 05:04 PM)Stooben Rooben Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:SPAMHAUL
Quote:itt: good posts
itt: an impossibility
you're alright, kid.
every time i make a good post somebody steals it and posts it in another forum this happened many times before
(11-04-2009, 05:22 PM)Boo Wrote: [ -> ]stooben you cuddly little bear. where do you get off! I used to look up to you. you bitch, I never want to see you again.
itt: jealousy of good posting skillz. yes.. a z
oh and if you think jesus lizard is a better poster than me then. wow. the forum will now self destruct. but seriously.
if this was the case then the forum should have self destructed the day he joined
Did someone mention my name?
Like 9 posts back?
boo, viper, and lizard
why don't you all chill out, be friends, and not worry about your posts
it's not like telling someone their posts are bad is going to change much, eh?
[proof:: you've been doing it for months and you haven't changed a bit
except vipershark is pretty cool in general
dex your posts aren't not bad or good
(11-04-2009, 11:39 PM)Dex Wrote: [ -> ]it's not like telling someone their posts are bad is going to change much, eh?
I did.
You changed a bit for the better but not as much as you think. You still need a bit of work but your definitely a better poster then Boo and Jesus Lizard.
Also Vipershark > Stooben Rooben > Jesus Lizard > Boo > LegendofZeldaEXPERT.
Can Boo get any worse at posting? More at 11!
(Damn Boo what happened? You used to be somewhat cool now your just spiraling down a black hole as if you're a child actor all grown up now.)