Yeah I thinkg of coloring all of them. including the glasses and the mustache.
Here's some of the work I have been doing. I have been trying to put some color into it and so far this is how it looks.
Any opinios ?
oh, I like the colors. they really make the entire face stand out.
It's kind of hard finding a good colors for the glases.
Thes eyes might be color green or other color.Maybe dark brown. The pilgrim hat is kind of a problem. I'll like if anone helps with the hats.
Surprisingly, brown is a darker color than gray. Lighten it up, especially the darkest not-outline brown.
Personally, I still think it would be cooler to be monochrome most of the time and only have some color in the special hats, but its your project. Show your progress on the pilgrim hat and I'll assist.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing maybe leave everything the same but the hats.
Just for fun I wanted to finish the colored part of ... him.
The hat on the lower part is (or my attempt of) the pilgrim hat.
I would put the buckle on the side more, dead on makes it look weird. Also, study the shape of a buckle; you probably have a belt somewhere, use it as a ref. Also, think about the color of gold, its a much more garish yellow usually, even shading down to that weird green-ish color when you take bright yellow and add black. Also, the pilgrim hat has the buckle to hold on the white strip(I think), so add the white
My take.
Great thanks, now to make the other hats.
Here I'm working on the St. Patricks day hat.
The thing abobe the hat is one of those 3 leafed leaf (I'm mexican so I don't know how they are called.)
Any comments ?
Clover is the leaf. Also, the clover looks a little bit pillowed.
Could use a bit more contrast on the greens.
And you're welcome
...the pillowed is the hard part, and I don't see how to fix it since it's real small, but I'll try, the green color is a bit hard sens it has to start bright then dark.
Wich do you think it's better ?
Right is WAY better, looks great now. The pillowed seems to be being caused because you have a ring of dark color inside the outline. Remove it in the top right area of each and it'll be better.
I'll see what I can do.
I'm not very good with it, when I tried at first looked like a green cloud, then like a diamond with smothh edges.
How about if I give you the outline and show how because I'm confused and tired...
If you want, try looking at a playing card. The symbol for the club suit is stylized after a clover,it could produce the look that you want.
I'll take a shot too though, and get back to you on that.
Ok I'll try too, and if I get some time I'll see if I can work on some hats.
Well this is a clover, I'll try to base myself of it for the sprite.
Here's an update on the clover, I think It looks better.