Some kind of fail record, there.
some admin please change my rep to -999
(11-08-2009, 08:13 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Some kind of fail record, there.
I thought another OP had about -39 rep or something like that
orgasmatron was really really really low one time
but he got pretty cool so now he's positive rep !
I was talking a year or two ago when TSR was starting the forums
when members like megazario and shock were around
reminds me of old times

oh my god it's frario
get the fuck out of spamhaul while you can!
hahahahaha, as if it corrupts you or something
It does.
....get out?
there is no way out.
I know, it's too easy, look what happaned to me about 2 ye-....wait, it's been two years now th-.... I don't remember.
I just remember I joined pixeltendo around exactly 5 years ago.
But enough of that! No stupid bed-timestories about me.
let's talk about you c; !
Whoa, did you take a wrong turn or something?
:s wrong turn? what do you mean?

Just seems kind of random that you're back. And in here. But...