I came back for .....
check my signature :U
(and I regularly check TSR, i can't help but browse pixelated nostalgia and new material)
frar you are aware
that you can use name changes
You're IP address doesn't even show another account on it.
He hasn't posted under the Girugamesh account in a while, it's very easy that his IP changed.
(11-10-2009, 12:56 AM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]You're IP address doesn't even show another account on it.
And if I had to ask for girugamesh to be changed, that would take too much time.
You can change it yourself. Under your user cp.

Now I feel stupid. Oh well, too late to turn back to Girugämesh, now. Sheisse.
Well I'm sorry if I made 2 accounts :[
Ehhh, it's fine. We all know who you are.
Hi! I don't know who you are. =c
(11-10-2009, 02:48 PM)pillowphobic Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! I don't know who you are. =c
>: (
LOL don't blame him

I mean, I don't even have a lot of sheets on TSR.
except for the fact that you do because otherwise you wouldn't have been a top spriter for like 2 years
(11-11-2009, 01:59 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]except for the fact that you do because otherwise you wouldn't have been a top spriter for like 2 years
Back in the days, TSR had less sheets, and my number of submissions was "special". Now, having around +100 sheets is a joke.
I think I was only topspriter because of my customs and my rips. And it's always been Quality> Quanity .....but, that quality is gone, since a lot of stuff is outdated. But luckily , my sprites still look "fine".
Well hey, think of it like this; "Oh lookitthat, I helped get tSR off the ground with all of my sheets
