I decided that after a multiple month break from spriting I'd get back to working on these badboys
The Moblin and the Goron leader are new, everything else is old stuff
C and + C
Haha it's back :]
Link and the gorons are the best sprites IMO
I still think links hair needs to be more golden blonde. And the line inbetween his eyes look odd, imo
Goron's waking up sprites have oddly-placed head. Looks like the neckbones are stretched, and the third frame's head should have a different angle.
Good stuff overall

I've always loved this style, bro~
can't say much for crits, and I can't wait to see where else you'll go with this :>
yeah i agree this style is good
holy shit these rule
the Gorons and Link look the best
@Baegel: I was going for a more brown hair colour like in the older games
@Gorsal: I'll try to fix that whenever I get back to working on that animation
@EverybodyElse: thankkkks everybody else
Standard Deku Scrub and River Zora addded.
Friendly Zora is a bitch to sprite and some tips before I conitnue would be really helpful please and thank you
Wow already starting with the Zoras !?
Awesome work and it's really fast. And the horse looking enemy is kind of weird it's probably the face.
The Gorons and the new Zora both look off-balance. They're leaning back too far. I suggest you keep the feet where they are and move the rest of it to the right one pixel
is that good?
I'll fix the Zora later
Wow, the Zora looks awesome, I like the way the body is made and ot's position. Great job.
The river zora looks really good as well, when do you think you'll have the goron animation ready?