I was actually thinking that a third DK character was a lame idea, specially Dixie, but when the different Barrels and the Animal Buddies were mentioned, I think a really awesome moveset can be pulled off. I'd like to see the Swordfish acting like a sword! ... fish.... heh
Fact is that Diddy doesn't have any attacks based on the DKC series, they're all from DK64 if I recall correctly. Dixie could represent DKC with attacks based on DKC gimmicks, and that'd be a much better character than K.Rool, whom, as far as I remember, can only bite, throw his crown, and roll with his belly... That isn't a very interesting character.
K. Rool, in fairness, can throw the crown, use the Blunderbuss from DKC2, has a helicopter backpack in DKC3, and boxes in DK64.
And the partner up idea represents the DKC series.

Yeah, but Diddy and Donkey Kong are already characters, so there wouldn't be anyone else for Dixie to partner up. All the other Kongs aren't important enough to be Dixie's partners. I mean, really, Kiddy Kong? >:
I know Kiddy is lame. He'd really be more of a prop for Dixie than anything.
I'd say either #1 or #2
#2 because if there were to be any extra DK character, it should be her. Dixie's obviously next in line in order of importance, and probably shouldn't be weighted down by Kiddie Kong. We could at least give him a card, though =)
#1 because I want Gameboy

. lol
(11-11-2009, 03:00 PM)MaverickETC Wrote: [ -> ]#1 because I want Gameboy
. lol
"Originally, Dixie Kong, Toon Zelda, Plusle & Minun (as a duo like the Ice Climbers), Roy, and Mewtwo were going to appear in the game, but were dropped from the final product for unknown reasons. [citation needed]"
Bolded the important part.
Unless you prove it, that trivia segment is to be disregarded.
there are files inside the disc that indicates that Mewtwo, Roy, Plusle & Minun and Toon Zelda were going to be characters. not sure about dixie though.
Yeah. Dixie was one of them.
How did they hack it did it show pictures of them or something? They said Mewtwo had voice clips in the game.
There were leftover effect files for the seven and Mewtwo had an empty selection sound. That's all I've seen, myself.
(11-16-2009, 05:02 PM)Angelglory Wrote: [ -> ]There were leftover effect files for the seven and Mewtwo had an empty selection sound. That's all I've seen, myself.
You've actually seen the files yourself, and there weren't any picture files?