11-23-2009, 02:44 AM
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11-23-2009, 04:02 AM
"Bad Girl is a 23-year-old assassin who lives in the basement of Destroy Stadium; her real name as well as her nationality are unknown, although she is presumably American. She is ranked second in the United Assassins Association. She drinks frequently, dresses in a Sweet Lolita fashion which directly contrasts with her murderous personality. After listening about how she feels no remorse whatsoever about killing (claiming it to be just a job), Travis Touchdown takes an immediate disliking to her, disbelieving her a ranked assassin and calling her spoiled. In retaliation, she claims that Travis is no better than her because although she resorts to more cruel methods to killing, they both are assassins and kill who they must all the same. She was the first female Travis managed to kill, although he forfeited moments before she died."
Was that so hard? Granted, I didn't write most of it and got it from a Wiki page about her, but it's pretty clean cut. Hell it could probably be more censored than that.
Was that so hard? Granted, I didn't write most of it and got it from a Wiki page about her, but it's pretty clean cut. Hell it could probably be more censored than that.
11-23-2009, 04:18 AM
(11-23-2009, 04:02 AM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]Hell it could probably be more censored than that.And shorter, holy fuck.

11-23-2009, 04:25 AM
Yeah didn't know how long it should be.
11-23-2009, 07:56 AM
(11-23-2009, 04:02 AM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]"Bad Girl is a 23-year-old assassin who lives in the basement of Destroy Stadium; her real name as well as her nationality are unknown, although she is presumably American. She is ranked second in the United Assassins Association. She drinks frequently, dresses in a Sweet Lolita fashion which directly contrasts with her murderous personality. After listening about how she feels no remorse whatsoever about killing (claiming it to be just a job), Travis Touchdown takes an immediate disliking to her, disbelieving her a ranked assassin and calling her spoiled. In retaliation, she claims that Travis is no better than her because although she resorts to more cruel methods to killing, they both are assassins and kill who they must all the same. She was the first female Travis managed to kill, although he forfeited moments before she died."
Was that so hard? Granted, I didn't write most of it and got it from a Wiki page about her, but it's pretty clean cut. Hell it could probably be more censored than that.
She wasn't the first female Travis had to kill, or had you forgotten about Speed Buster?
Anyway, Japanese/European version of the game has almost no blood at all, so there's no excuse not to use him. What other videogame character could we put ahead of Travis? The only characters that comes to mind are Rayman and Crash Bandicoot, and I don't think they'd be as fun to play or be as wanted in this game as Travis would. Plus, if we have Sukapon in, Rayman's fighting style would kind of be redundant, wouldn't it?
11-23-2009, 08:08 AM
So I finally finished that Infantry movseet. Feeling pretty "meh" about it.
Don't really like the FS, prolly change it. I'll probably change the smashes as well.
Feel Free to Edit/comment.
yes. :V
Infantry (Nintendo Wars)
![[Image: gruntq.jpg]](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5042/gruntq.jpg)
An Infantry? Well this certainly is an odd choice! But he doesn't have much...
Flamethrowers? Mortars? Bazookas? Looks like this little guy is different than most Grunts! And of course he still has his trusty KA-57!
While Grunts are usually quick, this one seems to be weighed down due to the Arsenal he brought along.
A combo- Punch, Punch, Elbow.
Side tilt- Quick Kick
Up Tilt- Sweeps above Head with the KA-57.
Down Tilt- Swipes at ground with KA-57
Dash Attack- Shoulder Smash
Crouch Attack- Crouching Kick
Down Air- Swings Under him with the KA-57
Side Air- Two Quick Kicks to side.
Up Air- Flip Kick
Up Smash- Missile: Fires a Missile upwards, unlikes snakes, it explodes in the air after a short time. Good Air move.
Down Smash- Bazzonka: Works like Snakes, but the Blast Radius is greater, but the attack is a bit weaker. Pushes back Infantry a bit.
Side Smash- Mini Gun: Shoots a Few Bullets that don't go very far.
A Grunt's must trust weapons! Fires Multiple shots! Don't do much damage, but cause some flinching! Thought, if you use it to much, you'll have to realod, leaving you open. So be Careful!
Side B-Flamethrower
Another fire attack? Don't Bowser and Charizard already have them? Well The Infantry's is a bit different. His can aim and all 8 directions, and he's a bit mobile while using it, but it drains much Faster than Bowser's and Charizard's!
Up B-Helicopter
Down B-Motar
Launches a powerful bomb, hold to aim and explodes on impact. Does quite a bit of damage!
Final Smash-Bomber
Looks like you got some back up! A bomber comes and drops a few bombs followed by...a nuke!? Where'd they get that? The Nuclear Missile has a pretty nice hit radius and had a nice chance of finishing opponents!
Grab Attack-Hits with KA-57
Up Throw-Tosses in air.
Down Throw-Slams and steps on, much like the AW Capture animation.
Front Throw-Slams on Ground and elbow drop
Back Throw-Toses Enemy Behind
Taunt 1-Sighs and mubbles "If only I had a Tank."
Taunt 2-Looks around, paranoid.
Taunt 3- KA-57 goes of wildly, He gasp and gets it under control. Does n damage, just like Toon Link.
Victory 1-Salutes and yells "For the Frontier!
Victory 2-Leans on on of the weapons (probably Bazzoka) and Says "Hermans Heroes does it again"
Victory 3-Wipes forhead and sighs. "That was tough..."
(Instead of clapping when losing, he could salute the victor)
*Really don't know how'd it'd work, ideas?
![[Image: gruntq.jpg]](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5042/gruntq.jpg)
An Infantry? Well this certainly is an odd choice! But he doesn't have much...
Flamethrowers? Mortars? Bazookas? Looks like this little guy is different than most Grunts! And of course he still has his trusty KA-57!
While Grunts are usually quick, this one seems to be weighed down due to the Arsenal he brought along.
A combo- Punch, Punch, Elbow.
Side tilt- Quick Kick
Up Tilt- Sweeps above Head with the KA-57.
Down Tilt- Swipes at ground with KA-57
Dash Attack- Shoulder Smash
Crouch Attack- Crouching Kick
Down Air- Swings Under him with the KA-57
Side Air- Two Quick Kicks to side.
Up Air- Flip Kick
Up Smash- Missile: Fires a Missile upwards, unlikes snakes, it explodes in the air after a short time. Good Air move.
Down Smash- Bazzonka: Works like Snakes, but the Blast Radius is greater, but the attack is a bit weaker. Pushes back Infantry a bit.
Side Smash- Mini Gun: Shoots a Few Bullets that don't go very far.
A Grunt's must trust weapons! Fires Multiple shots! Don't do much damage, but cause some flinching! Thought, if you use it to much, you'll have to realod, leaving you open. So be Careful!
Side B-Flamethrower
Another fire attack? Don't Bowser and Charizard already have them? Well The Infantry's is a bit different. His can aim and all 8 directions, and he's a bit mobile while using it, but it drains much Faster than Bowser's and Charizard's!
Up B-Helicopter
Down B-Motar
Launches a powerful bomb, hold to aim and explodes on impact. Does quite a bit of damage!
Final Smash-Bomber
Looks like you got some back up! A bomber comes and drops a few bombs followed by...a nuke!? Where'd they get that? The Nuclear Missile has a pretty nice hit radius and had a nice chance of finishing opponents!
Grab Attack-Hits with KA-57
Up Throw-Tosses in air.
Down Throw-Slams and steps on, much like the AW Capture animation.
Front Throw-Slams on Ground and elbow drop
Back Throw-Toses Enemy Behind
Taunt 1-Sighs and mubbles "If only I had a Tank."
Taunt 2-Looks around, paranoid.
Taunt 3- KA-57 goes of wildly, He gasp and gets it under control. Does n damage, just like Toon Link.
Victory 1-Salutes and yells "For the Frontier!
Victory 2-Leans on on of the weapons (probably Bazzoka) and Says "Hermans Heroes does it again"
Victory 3-Wipes forhead and sighs. "That was tough..."
(Instead of clapping when losing, he could salute the victor)
*Really don't know how'd it'd work, ideas?
Feel Free to Edit/comment.
(11-23-2009, 07:56 AM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]She wasn't the first female Travis had to kill, or had you forgotten about Speed Buster?
yes. :V
11-23-2009, 08:52 AM
guys, considering like ten of us are trying to show about two people how great of a character travis would be, I think we're fine.
11-23-2009, 04:17 PM
(11-23-2009, 01:17 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Mother's screwed up themes have more to do with intense trauma, tragedy, and profound concepts that make one's head implode.
NMH has lots of swearing, decapitation, sexual innuendos and an automated Gimp-murdering-machine.
It's KINDA a different definition of screwed up.
Also, the incest subtext.
11-23-2009, 05:22 PM
Adding to the list of "He's not really needed" for Travis.
To my knowledge, all he has is some swordplay, grappling, and the ability to temporarily overcharge his sword. He also has his motorcycle, if you really want to go that far.
Goroh has little to no definition as to what he could do, which gives more leeway when making up shit for him, but Mister Touchdown is a pretty damned defined character, and while I'm not much of a fan of No More Heroes, I'd rather not see him ruined for whatever reason.
So here's my proposal: Choose one of them, not both.
(Ekoi's Thoughts For the Day™: Boasting about how we don't need more sword-users and then trying to cram more in is absurd.)
To my knowledge, all he has is some swordplay, grappling, and the ability to temporarily overcharge his sword. He also has his motorcycle, if you really want to go that far.
Goroh has little to no definition as to what he could do, which gives more leeway when making up shit for him, but Mister Touchdown is a pretty damned defined character, and while I'm not much of a fan of No More Heroes, I'd rather not see him ruined for whatever reason.
So here's my proposal: Choose one of them, not both.
(Ekoi's Thoughts For the Day™: Boasting about how we don't need more sword-users and then trying to cram more in is absurd.)
11-23-2009, 06:00 PM
If we have to choose between one of them, Travis. Nothing against Goroh, but Travis is a much better character.
11-23-2009, 06:11 PM
(11-23-2009, 12:12 AM)Arthur Wrote: [ -> ]I'm just gonna go ahead and say how badly I would dislike for Sukapon or Tavis to be in the game. Mostly Travis.
Why, he was in Nintendo's first fighting game. He would be one of the most logical choices since HE WAS IN AN ACTUAL FIGHTING GAME
11-23-2009, 06:21 PM
i agree with rags. as much as f-zero needs reps travis just kicks ass and would be more fun to play as.
11-23-2009, 06:54 PM
(11-10-2009, 08:34 AM)Gabby Jay Wrote: [ -> ]Mike Jones:
A Yo-Yo
Av Baseball Bat
A> Mace Ball
A^ Laser gun
B Slingshot
Bv Miracle Mirror
B> Twin Cross-Blades
B^ Magic anklet
Final Smash: Zoda?
Okay, I've read and watched a tad more about StarTropics, and I think I came with a pretty good moveset for Mike Jones:
(Standard Special) B = Island Star/Shooting Star/Supernova.
Mike shoots a short-range yo-yo straight forward, and that swirls back. You can't move or cancel the attack while you're shooting the yo-yo (however, the attack is cancelled whenever you take a hit, of course), but you can tilt the yo-yo up and down a bit. You can charge the attack, converting your Island Star to a Shooting Star, or even to a Supernova yo-yo. Range increases a lot when it's charged, and increases damage a tad (when it's fully charged, the yo-yo is covered in a swirling energy and sparks, that deals an "electrifyied" state to the enemy that is hit by it)
(Side Special) B+> = Psychic Shockwave
It's an ability learned from the magician Merlin in StarTropics 2. It's a big projectile (almost as big as Samus' fully charged shot) Deals a weak damage, and paralyzes the foe. It's good to paralyze someone to charge your yo-yo.
Or alternatively, B+> = Laser Gun
Same thing as the Ray Gun item, but he has a little delay to shoot it, like Fox/Falco's, but a bit bigger.
(Up Special) B+^ = Spike Shoes
It's just a third jump, but when there is an enemy nearby when you perform this move, Mike will disappear and appear in front of that enemy, dealing a jumping kick to that foe. Great knockback, not much damage.
Or alternatively, B+^ = Magic Anklet
the Magic Anklet that grants him a superjump that lets Mike invincible while using it, and deals weak damage to enemies that touches it. However, you can deal multiple hits to an enemy if you use it correctly, and the sum of those hits can actually be a huge damage.
(Down Special) B+v = Magic Mirror
Reflects projectiles from one side only.
(Final Smash) = Ultra Psychic Shockwave
It's a huge projectile, and once it deals contact with something (be a crater box, or an enemy), it does a huge psychic explosion that has an amazing knockback.
Side Smash can be the same as Ness'. A strong baseball bat attack.
Up Smash = Bola. He shoots the weapon upwards, which is two iron balls connected with each other by a whip, it swirls upwards and returns to Mike's hands.
Down Smash = Asterisk. Two shurikens swirls around him.
What do you guys think of it?
11-23-2009, 07:04 PM
Yes. I love it.
11-23-2009, 07:33 PM
I'm assuming that my moveset for Lolo was bad...?