My first submission. Not to sure if I'm submitting properly, if I'm doing something wrong please tell me before I upload anything else. An edited Geno I made.
Not a bad start. I'm goingto move this topic so you can get more feedback before submitting.
I'm sorry but it's not very good
you should post it in Sprite Discussion
EDIT:ahah Ton already moved the topic
upload it to an image hosting site, please.
It's not bad, but it could be a lot better. For starters, his hat and cloak needs better shading and outlining.
Jump and land looks like an edit of a M&L SS sprite.

thats because it is a M&L SS
(11-24-2009, 05:20 PM)Karadom Wrote: [ -> ]thats because it is a M&L SS
That's not bad is it? Cause I've seen plenty of sprites like that.
Upload to an image hosting site, please. It's in the rules. This topic was moved so I'm not going to warn you for it but if you don't fix it by later tonight I'm gonna lock this.