
Some strange designs there.
Shin Megami Tensei is about strange designs. There is a creature called Aerophant (if I'm not mistaken) which is a pink elephant with wings in the place of it's ears. And it's just one of those designs!
It's great to see SMT sprites here! Wonderful series but so obscure... And SO hard +_+
"Pink elephant"? I wonder why, when the designers decided to add this "Aerophant" boss in, decided to add THAT in..?
The WangChariot is Mara and one of his specials is breathing "white smoke" WTF?
The designer for the Demons and others is Kazuma Kaneko
I did rip the Jakyou fusion chamber from SMT 2 a very long time ago.

May I use the Megaman backgrounds to make a tileset?
(10-18-2008, 04:39 PM)Ryan914 Wrote: [ -> ]Shin Megami Tensei 2:
Ooh, nice one dude. Just one thing.. That green tentacle thing in the chariot? It looks like it's a penis.. it actually does.. xD
Yeah.. First thing I noticed immature, I know.
Great stuff

More Sparkster the merrier!
Excellent, really well done.
I really need to finish that Sparkster rip from Rocket Knight Adventures one day.