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Full Version: spriting on a tablet pc
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...nerd talk...
Just kidding, I'll ove to see Frostfire with this, and I bet it wasn't so hard making the animation was it ?
This sesm to be YOUR tablet apparently.
Is it some kind of Wacom Cintiq?

you rich...-ard ...>_>!
[Image: M1300-2B.jpg]

People still don't seem to get it's a TABLET PC. It's an older model though, hence the no swivel or keyboard.
i'm asking a BRAND

and the fact you're a rich....-ard still remains Cry .....>:'(
Yeah it looks nice.
So let me get the straight, you can be at your living room and have the tablet in your knees and with the pen you can be using the computer evn if the computer is not in the same room? Because if that was the case you are really rich...I feel poor...

also @ frar the brand is motion.

oh and yeah I got this on ebay for 200$. newer models range in the $1000+ range....
Sorry it's just that I never had one before...
(11-17-2009, 05:34 PM)Kaikimi Wrote: [ -> ]THE COMPUTER IS IN THE SAME ROOM. THE TABLET IS THE COMPUTER.

also @ frar the brand is motion.

oh and yeah I got this on ebay for 200$. newer models range in the $1000+ range....

:X oh...

8D i didn't say anything!
(11-17-2009, 05:34 PM)Kaikimi Wrote: [ -> ]oh and yeah I got this on ebay for 200$.

i must have one
yeah, be forwarned though, their M-series tablets are discontinued.
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