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Full Version: tSR's Secret Santa 2009! [PMs SENT!]
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...ok....I don't think I'm making myself like clear, but alright...thanks?
If you want to make something specifically for a member who is PART of this secret santa, sure, send Santa PM and he'll post it up on the day the gifts are dealt out. Wink
^That's what I was asking. Thank you. Smile
Sent mine in. Remade it, might send another one MAYBE

Merry Christmas, all.
Oops. Looks like I missed this.
How about this:
just list your interests

Maybe someone will make xmas love for you.
(Hey everyone the deadline is Wednesday, get to eeet)
(will tsr be empty this xmas goddammit)
Ho ho ho! Hello everyone, Father Christmas here! Christmas is drawing nearer and nearer, and so is the deadline for the Secret Santa.

Please be sure to send all your gifts to me, please, before the 23rd! Good luck! Merry Christmas.
(12-21-2009, 10:42 PM)Father Christmas Wrote: [ -> ]Ho ho ho! Hello everyone, Father Christmas here! Christmas is drawing nearer and nearer, and so is the deadline for the Secret Santa.

Please be sure to send all your gifts to me, please, before the 23rd! Good luck! Merry Christmas.

Can it be on the 23rd? Still putting finishing touches!
Fuck my life, tablet stopped working half way through it.

I'll get something in by tonight, I won't half ass it though. :/
I got mine in but it was at the end and kind of half assed. I do apologize, but I also hope you like it. I put everything on your list into the pic at least.
(12-22-2009, 09:00 PM)Girrrtacos Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-21-2009, 10:42 PM)Father Christmas Wrote: [ -> ]Ho ho ho! Hello everyone, Father Christmas here! Christmas is drawing nearer and nearer, and so is the deadline for the Secret Santa.

Please be sure to send all your gifts to me, please, before the 23rd! Good luck! Merry Christmas.

Can it be on the 23rd? Still putting finishing touches!

This seems reasonable, man! Sounds good.
Sent mine in
I hope the person likes it! :]
@_@ Been busy with Christmas shopping, but mine's just about done, it'll be sent in before the 23rd (EST) or I'll... I dunno what I'll do, probably still send it just... not before the 23rd.....

*coughs and leaves*

EDIT: Yay, all done and sent~ Heart
sent in another for my "partner" and two for others Cute
Sent mine in the other day. Wish it could've come out better, but I tried.
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