11-21-2009, 06:02 PM
11-21-2009, 06:07 PM
All I use the Wii for is NMH and MadWorld.
Used to use it for Rockband, but that's cus I didn't have a PS3, now I'm moving all that stuff over.
Used to use it for Rockband, but that's cus I didn't have a PS3, now I'm moving all that stuff over.
11-21-2009, 06:11 PM
(11-21-2009, 06:07 PM)Jamais Vu Wrote: [ -> ]All I use the Wii for is NMH and MadWorld.
This, plus GHWT and some Brawl on the side.
And homebrew.
11-21-2009, 06:12 PM
i use my wii mainly for RE4: Wii Edition, Umbrella Chronicles, Brawl (with friends, obvs), Wii Sports, MadWorld, No More Heroes, virtual consoles (yes i know emulation and shit exists but i like playing on a classic controller or using the wiimote itself), WiiWare and... oh wait
I actually play my Wii. And I don't even HAVE homebrew yet.
I actually play my Wii. And I don't even HAVE homebrew yet.
11-21-2009, 06:18 PM
(11-21-2009, 06:02 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]list them
wii fit and wii music better not be on that list, either
God! Hell no...
Here's my list.
GREAT: To own
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
No More Heroes
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
DECENT: To rent or own
Excitebots: Trick Racing
Battalion Wars 2
Little King's Story
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Super Sluggers
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Super Paper Mario
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
Wii Sports Resort
11-21-2009, 06:20 PM
And including the ones that I mentioned in my post.
Seriously, I'll take virtual consoles over emulation any day. Maybe I'm just a freak like that.
Seriously, I'll take virtual consoles over emulation any day. Maybe I'm just a freak like that.
11-21-2009, 06:21 PM
Oh yeah Umbrella Chronicles was pretty awesome with my friend. Some of these games are really fun with someone else.
11-21-2009, 06:22 PM
(11-21-2009, 06:18 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]i love how only 2 games on koopauls list here are made by third party developers(11-21-2009, 06:02 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]list them
wii fit and wii music better not be on that list, either
God! Hell no...
Here's my list.
GREAT: To own
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
No More Heroes
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
DECENT: To rent or own
Excitebots: Trick Racing
Battalion Wars 2
Little King's Story
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Super Sluggers
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Super Paper Mario
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
Wii Sports Resort
thanks for furthering the point that pretty much everything else on the console that isn't made by nintendo is either sub-par or just shovelware, bro
[you're forgetting a lot of other good games like Spyborgs, RE4, Okami and Zack and Wiki
wait a second aren't these all capcom games? FUCK]
11-21-2009, 06:22 PM
Wii is also starting to get a little more somewhere with the rise of indie gaming.
11-21-2009, 06:25 PM
EDIT: Yeah forgot Zack and Wiki too...
11-21-2009, 06:27 PM
(11-21-2009, 06:22 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]everything else on the console is sub-par or just shovelware, brothis
11-21-2009, 06:32 PM
I don't see how most of them being Nintendo games furthers the argument that it's not worth owning. Just because the company that makes the system is also making the games doesn't mean that it's not worth owning. It just means that third party developers need to get in gear and realize that they could be doing so much more with the system.
11-21-2009, 06:43 PM
(11-21-2009, 06:25 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]@Kosheh: So your saying first party doesn't count?
I mean I KNOW pretty much all the third party games on the Wii suck. I was just say there ARE good games on the Wii, I didn't say anything about third party.
It totally does count, and hey man, of course there's good games on the Wii - I've been playing through Muramasa and that recent Naruto Shippuden fighter released is actually REALLY awesome [hell tyvon might actually even like it] but think about this for a second, Koopaul
Most of your reccomended games are all produced by first-party developer teams
most of the other games on the console [third party] are pretty shovelware
Sure, Nintendo DOES have a lot of big-name third-party developers working on titles for the console but do they sell very well?
They've got Ubisoft, known for making titles like Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia. What do Wii owners get? Imagine Babyz Party.
well where I was going with this is that Nintendo's success pretty much rides on its first-party releases. When you look at a Wii or DS game release schedule for the next semester, you're usually looking at it to see the Nintendo-produced titles because they're guaranteed to be good. You look at Ubisoft's release table and it's all Imagine and Petz games and you're like "fuck it" and move on.
Why can't we be looking forward to other developers' releases?
You do realize that if Nintendo doesn't put out a first party game within x quarter of the year that it begins to really impact sales on the console?
that shit worked in the early 90's, man how the hell is that same tactic holding up now
you'd think Nintendo would talk to publishers and demand that they stop churning out such shitty games
...pretty much what tyvon just said
however it seems more like most "Imagine" games are produced by studios consisting of mostly college-fresh grads to see what they're capable of and if they're good they're asked to work on better releases [Assassin's Creed]
and in some cases they're just demos to test what the console really is capable of
A first-party example of that would be Yoshi's Touch & Go - a pretty shitty first-party title which is pretty much an E3 tech demo with a bloated price tag slapped on it
and in some cases they're just demos to test what the console really is capable of
A first-party example of that would be Yoshi's Touch & Go - a pretty shitty first-party title which is pretty much an E3 tech demo with a bloated price tag slapped on it
11-21-2009, 06:51 PM
I already know all this. But I still don't think its Nintendo's fault that their third party games suck.
11-21-2009, 08:01 PM
This is just pathetic, BaB, I'm sorry. This attempt to justify that which you believe (born from subjective belief alone rather than evident reality) with such irrationally defined "evidences" is nothing but an irrational and forlorn endeavor, an attempt to uphold your own delusion so that you can bask in nostalgia.
Now that I'm done expressing my disappointment in you, it's time to actually say something.
You cite reviews and reviews alone without consideration for both the context and accompanying circumstance surrounding these reviews. For example, the fact that reviews for video game magazines are often almost completely subjective in nature; designed by individuals basking in subjective and contemporary opinion - in example, in the PSone and N64 eras, many games were criticized (heavily in some cases) for remaining 2D and sprited whereas other games were raised to a pedastal simply for being 3D adventure games "like Super Mario 64".
Honestly, your faith in video game reviews is kind of troubling.
Now that I'm done expressing my disappointment in you, it's time to actually say something.

You cite reviews and reviews alone without consideration for both the context and accompanying circumstance surrounding these reviews. For example, the fact that reviews for video game magazines are often almost completely subjective in nature; designed by individuals basking in subjective and contemporary opinion - in example, in the PSone and N64 eras, many games were criticized (heavily in some cases) for remaining 2D and sprited whereas other games were raised to a pedastal simply for being 3D adventure games "like Super Mario 64".
Honestly, your faith in video game reviews is kind of troubling.