Awesome! Glad you're back!
Finally! I finished the factory!

*ripping more*!!

Nice sheets! Cool to see you are back to ripping

Keep it up!
Did you say you had some characters in the works?

Wtf with my previous post.
Mageker, coughimrippingtheyoshisislandcough coughbecauseismynextworldcough.
And Tonberry, yes, I'm working on characters, but only a few, I prefer ripping backs ;x; Also, in PIT there isn't any character left.
Well, I bring another little sheet:
Hi ~
The next will be the Yoshi's Island Peak. I will probably rip Yoob's stomach.
I couldn't rip anything in all this time, but I'm here again
Now I'm ripping Yoob's belly (for now)
Yay, another cool rip

I have finished Yoob's Belly and now I'm ripping the second part (this back is a little boring... I'm wishing to arrive to gritzydesert

BTW, thanks for updating my sheets in the main page

Finally I finished the Yoob's Belly.
The next will be another Toadsworth's Tutorial and new frames of him. (Remember I'm ripping him complete

I love that you're ripping from this game, so cool! Very nice!