Well that's both because it's still under some matter of contention, and because you've not really done what you've said you'd do, and posted the method for veiwing the ingame models.
That's the most important thing, at the moment.
On the contraire, I found out it's under RTB's update and be patient! I'm workin on it!
To view models from WoW you need an installed copy of the game, and then download and install
WoW Model Viewer.
It's as simple as that, really.
i'm asuming he's working on a standalone executable.
Finals are this week. Expect a full walkthrough for wow by the weekend.
hey eagallowglass
ive sent u an email
(01-02-2010, 04:35 PM)DeadlyInstinct Wrote: [ -> ]hey eagallowglass
ive sent u an email
nice bump, dude..
(01-02-2010, 04:35 PM)DeadlyInstinct Wrote: [ -> ]hey eagallowglass
ive sent u an email
better text him, too
and pm him
you can never be sure
Im confused is this guy doing a bunch sheets of characters from World of Warcraft or just certain characters?
Also you gonna do the sheet for the Nightelf Mohawk? Haha cause that would be wicked Ive been trying to find that guy for weeks just for his grenades.

On Topic how many WOW sheets do you plan on doing?
i still dont know why this was accepted. all this discussion for nothing.
For once, I agree with Metaru 100%.
Alright let's get someone to lock this page. I'm happy that my contributions have stirred up such a great conversation but I'm tired of the negative post-farming.
I'll make a separate page with rules for sheet requests and a tutorial for those who have the fully-updated World of Warcraft game on thier computer and want to rip renders for themselves.
I also have no idea why it was accepted. RTB explained but I'm still not quite convinced, I agree with you guys (Metaru, Vipershark).
Please, don't submit the renders, submit the
textures, dammit
Anyway, closed per request.