Not kamikaze
The one where the leader person of the army or whatever knows he will be defeated so he takes his sword thing and cuts open his stomach or something
or hari kari I always saw it spelled both ways
And it doesn't have to be the leader. It's just when great shame comes to a Japanese person. iirc
ok thanks tyvon
i remember and starting with an s and containing a k but thats about it
but yeah i was looking for seppuku rather than harakiri
also: suicide club comes to mind.....
kosheh you lost my respect i will NEVER support you for mod now
you never respected me in the first place. you insubordinate student you.
2 more users to add to the spamhaul ban list.
i was gonna say boo and kilgore but i dont know know kilgore that much but i know hes a p. cool person
I'm hardly an asshole to anyone, I'm a good boy.

Also if they don't die right away they get their heads chopped off.
(11-26-2009, 06:50 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]yeah, you and rickhog
(11-26-2009, 07:54 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]Also if they don't die right away they get their heads chopped off.
i read that in an article
this morning my dad was being extra annoying and the art of seppuku suddenly interested me
Wasn't seppuku the head thing, and harakiri the stomach?