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All the latest headlines for the VG Resource sites and community. This is all the important stuff that you can't bear to miss.
52 809 DMCA / Takedown Requests
10-15-2024, 08:44 PM
by Petie
Site Discussion
Discuss anything related to the VG Resource sites and community as a whole. Discuss the sites, the staff, updates, make suggestions, point out bugs - that sort of thing.
484 6,440 Model ripping question ab...
Yesterday, 03:42 AM
by Fawfulthegreat64
Welcome! / Goodbye!
Post a thread here to introduce yourself to the community! Give us a little bio about yourself so we can welcome you properly. Going away for a while? Sad times :( Let us know though, so we can give you a hearty goodbye.
1,397 4,202 Hi guys
Yesterday, 02:42 AM
by easysayg

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
The Spriters Resource
The Spriters Resource related boards.
Sub Forums:
Ripping Help,
Project Organization,
Feedback / Showreel
2,198 16,174 Breath of Fire 2 (SNES)
02-28-2025, 10:15 PM
by Skyla Doragono
The Models Resource
The Models Resource related boards.
Sub Forums:
Ripping Help,
Project Organization,
Feedback / Showreel
3,577 23,366 Normal map uses different...
Yesterday, 05:25 AM
by Fawfulthegreat64
The Textures Resource
The Textures Resource related boards.
Sub Forums:
Ripping Help,
Project Organization,
Feedback / Showreel
280 1,059 Building a Free Library o...
02-27-2025, 05:26 AM
by Eric Matyas
The Sounds Resource
The Sounds Resource related boards.
Sub Forums:
Ripping Help,
Project Organization,
Feedback / Showreel
898 3,588 Best Way to Extract .uass...
Yesterday, 09:57 AM
by DoctorLego
General Ripping
For all ripping-related threads that aren't specific to one of the individual sites.
665 2,559 FFXIIDumper
4 hours ago
by bdeggers

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Custom Sprites / Pixel Art
Post here for feedback on your custom sprite work and pixel art.
1,061 12,347 TheEric132's Sprite Galle...
03-01-2025, 06:48 AM
by TheEric132
Custom Models / Textures
Post here for feedback on your custom models and texture work.
155 1,061 TheEric132's Model Galler...
02-11-2025, 12:34 PM
by TheEric132
Game Development
For the indie game developers out there. Developing a new title you want to get some feedback on? Post it here!
Sub Forums:
The Fighters Resource
433 4,790 Deltarune on Sega Genesis...
02-13-2025, 02:44 PM
by Melkan090
Other Creativity
For anything else that isn't related to pixel art, models or textures. Drawings, music, creative writing - post it here, we'll give you some feedback!
285 4,002 Muh Green Screen Video As...
02-20-2025, 05:22 PM
by Shin FireyPaperMario

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Discussion
The usual friendly discussion. Talk about the news, and other topics of general interest.
Note: Make sure to read the stickied guidelines thread before posting.
363 5,011 What's your favorite movi...
02-24-2025, 12:59 AM
by Yawackhary
Gaming Discussion
You hear about the new Battletoads game coming out? Ask your local Gamestop about it.
476 18,161 Nintendo Switch Pictures ...
02-25-2025, 08:15 AM
by Shin FireyPaperMario
Help me!
Have a problem? Any problems you might have, somebody might be able to help. Make sure your topic doesn't fit in one of the other boards on the forum first though!
776 2,152 XP-Paint problem
02-25-2025, 09:09 AM
by Barack Obama

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
July 2014 Archive
Archive of everything on the VG Resource prior to the July 5, 2014 reorganization. Nothing was deleted.
Sub Forums:
Main Stuff,
The Resource,
Creative Zone,
Other Stuff,
The Archives
19,051 381,079 Orphaned Posts
08-05-2014, 03:09 PM
by Petie
Old forums and threads removed from the homepage to reduce clutter.
Sub Forums:
Completed Competitions,
Locked Threads,
2,316 5,134 Loki game sound
12-04-2024, 12:13 PM
by Petie

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